In ReadyAPI 3.42.1, we fixed the following issues reported by our customers:
RIA-5xxx1 represents the Jira ticket number. It will help you track back the bugs resolved in version 3.42.1.
An issue which caused some Load Agents to fail to start/run in a Load Test. (RIA-20146)
Fixed the push of the ReadyAPI project data to the agents, to ensure that the Agents have the up-to-date project in all cases.
An issue where ReadyAPI displayed more SwaggerHub API definitions that could be imported. Now, ReadyAPI only shows the SwaggerHub API definitions that can be imported, which is up to 10000. (RIA-19682)
An issue where Git Pull did not work in ReadyAPI from 3.41.0. The issue was caused by the fact that ReadyAPI saved the project on a Pull action. On saving the project, the Project’s version gets updated on the project file. Now it works as expected. (RIA-20161, RIA-20165)
An issue where the Composite Project Action > Save TestSuite feature causes random reordering of the element.order-file and that causes merge-conflict when using Git. (RIA-20081)
An issue where the Coverage feature of Functional Tests was not working. (RIA-19574)
An issue where the latest tag of the Docker Hub repository for the ReadyAPI TestRunner was not up to date. (RIA-20169)
Three related security vulnerabilities reported in JRE (CVE-2022-21618, CVE-2022-21624, CVE-2022-21626) by upgrading to 17.0.5. (RIA-20135)