Use SwaggerHub On-Premise

This section of the documentation is for users of SwaggerHub On-Premise. It explains features that are unique to SwaggerHub On-Premise.

SwaggerHub On-Premise has less frequent releases than SwaggerHub and as a result, new features are not always available immediately. In addition, SwaggerHub is a SaaS system where there are no version numbers and changes can be made instantly available to all users. By contrast, SwaggerHub On-Premise releases require that your system administrator download an update and install it on your own servers. Differences in feature availability are noted throughout the docs.

Check our support policy for instructions on how to determine your current version. The Release Notes provide details on the current version and what features are available in the latest release.

In This Section

go.gifAccount Settings

SwaggerHub uses SmartBear ID that allows users to access SmartBear products from a single account. SwaggerHub On-Premise is installed on your own server, often inside a firewall or airgapped, so it cannot access an Internet-based credentialling system.

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