Upgrade SwaggerHub On-Premise to 1.29.3

SmartBear provides only limited support for 1.x installations. For details, click here. If you are unable to upgrade to 2.x at this time, we recommend that you upgrade your 1.x installation to the latest version of 1.x.

The latest release of SwaggerHub On-Premise 1.x is 1.29.3. The upgrade path varies depending on the version you are upgrading from. Refer to the table below to find the upgrade instructions for your current version.

Note: Version 1.29.3 already includes the Log4j security patch. There is no need to apply this patch after the upgrade to 1.29.3.

Considerations for upgrades from v. 1.26 and earlier

The upgrade includes migrating the instance to a new Ubuntu 20-based VM. During this process, you will need to activate your license again.

You should have the license file in a prior email from SmartBear or saved locally. If you do not have a local copy of the license file, contact SmartBear Support.

Upgrade paths

Base version

Upgrade instructions and notes


Upgrade instructions

The upgrade to 1.29.3 is a direct upgrade.


1.27 (Ubuntu 20 only)


Upgrade instructions

The upgrade to 1.29.3 consists of two parts: you will need to run an upgrade script, then migrate the upgraded instance to Ubuntu 20.






Upgrade instructions

The upgrade to 1.29.3 is a multi-hop upgrade through v. 1.22 and also includes migration to Ubuntu 20.


Upgrade instructions

The upgrade to 1.29.3 is a multi-hop upgrade through v. 1.22 and also includes migration to Ubuntu 20.


1.18 or earlier

Contact SmartBear Support for assistance with the upgrade process.

See Also

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