Rename Your Account

You can change your SwaggerHub username at any time. This will change the path to your personal APIs, since they live under If you use API auto-mocking, the mock URLs will also be changed to reflect your new username.

Currently, there is no automatic redirection from old URLs to new ones, so any links to your APIs, domains and API mocks will have to be updated manually. This includes domain references in your APIs and in APIs of other users.


  • SwaggerHub SaaS user accounts are shared with Swagger Inspector, so renaming your SwaggerHub SaaS account will also change your username in Swagger Inspector.

  • After you change your username, your old username will become available for others to register.

Rename your account

  1. Click your username and select Account Overview from the menu.

    Account overview menu item
  2. Click Edit next to your username.

  3. Enter your new user name and click Rename. Usernames can be of 3 to 20 characters and can include only letters A..Z, a..z, digits 0..9, periods ., hyphens -, and underscores _.


After you rename your account, go through your personal APIs that have integrations configured and trigger the integrations manually. You need to do this only once.

See Also

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