Add Users in SwaggerHub On-Premise

SwaggerHub allows users to sign up themselves. An administrator and organization owners can invite new users by email, but the users need to sign up themselves to register in SwaggerHub.

  • When a SwaggerHub instance is configured for the first time, it is created along with an administrator user and default organization. The administrator can then log in to the SwaggerHub main application, create organizations, and invite other users by email.

  • User Management API can be used to add users to organizations and assign user roles in an automated way. For example:

    curl -X POST http(s)://SERVER/api/user-management/v1/orgs/ORG_NAME/members \
         -H 'Authorization: API_KEY' \
         -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
         -d '{ "members": [ \
                { "email": "[email protected]", "role": "CONSUMER" }, \
                { "email": "[email protected]", "role": "DESIGNER" } \

    The request must be authenticated using the SwaggerHub API key of the administrator user or an organization owner. Administrators can add users to any organization in the system.

  • Users can also create accounts by clicking Sign Up on the SwaggerHub home page.

  • If single sign-on is configured, users can just log in to SwaggerHub using their account in the identity provider. (The users must already exist in the identity provider.) A user account will be created in SwaggerHub when a user logs in via SSO for the first time.

  • All users who sign up for SwaggerHub or log in to SwaggerHub via SSO for the first time automatically join the default organization as Consumers. This means that they can only view APIs and domains created under the default organization and cannot create their own APIs, domains, and organizations and invite other users. See Sharing APIs for details.

  • An organization owner can add members, and they can then invite new members by email if they have roles other than Consumers.Share APIs

  • If users share APIs, they can invite new users by email to become collaborators for that API.

Which users need a license seat?

  • Designers who will create and edit API definitions need a license.

  • Consumers of private APIs need a license.

  • Consumers who wish to comment on public APIs need a license.

  • Consumers who only need to view public APIs (without commenting) do not need a license. They can view public APIs directly without creating a user account.

See Also

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