Delete Your Account


If you want to delete an organization, see Deleting an Organization.

You can delete your SwaggerHub account at any time. Deleting your account immediately deletes all your APIs and domains. Any organizations where you are the only owner will also be deleted, including their APIs and domains. If you are on a paid plan, you will not be billed again.

The comments you made in other APIs and domains owned by other users will remain, but display inactive next to the username.

Your username will become available in SwaggerHub and any user will be able to use it. If you want to use SwaggerHub again, you will have to create a new account.


  • If you just want to cancel a paid subscription, you can downgrade to a free plan instead of deleting your account.

  • SwaggerHub SaaS user accounts are shared with Swagger Inspector, so deleting your SwaggerHub SaaS account will also delete your account in Swagger Inspector.

Back up your data

Before deleting your account, download any APIs and domains you might need to use elsewhere. If needed, transfer important APIs, domains, or organizations to another owner.

Review your organizations

Before deleting your account, review the organizations you own to ensure none of them will be unintentionally deleted:

  1. Click your username and select My Organizations.

    My organizations menu item
  2. For each organization where you an Owner, check if there are other owners listed.

    Organization owners listed on the 'My Organizations' page


    Organizations where you are the only owner will be deleted when you delete your account. To prevent an organization from being deleted, transfer the ownership to another user.

Delete your account

  1. Click your username and select Account Overview.

    Account overview menu item
  2. Click the ellipsis button and select Delete Account.

    Delete account
  3. Enter your account username to confirm and click Delete Account.

See Also

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