Enable HTTPS/SSL in SwaggerHub On-Premise

SwaggerHub On-Premise is initially accessible over HTTP (non-secure connection). Secure HTTPS access can be achieved in two ways:

-- OR --


Self-signed SSL certificates are supported starting with SwaggerHub On-Premise 1.18.6.

Which method to use?

Built-in HTTPS


  • Easy to configure: simply upload your certificate and private key in the PEM format, and you are ready to go!

  • HTTP will be redirected to HTTPS automatically.

Follow these links to learn how to install an SSL certificate:

go.gifSwaggerHub On-Premise 1.19.2 and later

go.gifSwaggerHub On-Premise 1.18.5–1.19.1

Load balancer with SSL termination


  • Leverages your existing infrastructure. For example, if you use AWS to manage your infrastructure, including SSL certificates and DNS entries, setting up an AWS load balancer will let you easily reuse wildcard SSL certificates already stored in AWS.


  • If HTTP-to-HTTPS redirection is required, it needs to be implemented on the load balancer.

go.gifLearn how to configure a load balancer for SwaggerHub On-Premise.

See Also

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