
Cypress Support

Cypress is a framework for automated testing that runs on Windows and macOS. This JavaScript-based tool was designed for testing web applications. Unlike Selenium, it operates directly in the browser and enables you to set up, write, run, and debug tests.

In this section

go.gifRunning Cypress Tests

go.gifCypress Supported Browsers

Server-side execution

In server-side execution, you select the device group with the targeted OS type for the test run with all the devices in the selected group. Test results and all related artifacts (logs, screenshots, video recordings, etc.) are stored and visible in the BitBar Cloud dashboard. This provides a much easier and more robust way to start, manage, and review tests. All test assets are stored and testing is performed in one place.

Supported Browsers

With a Cypress framework, you can run automated tests across the real browsers that your customers use to catch issues before release. You can also troubleshoot issues reported by your customers, and verify the real-world user experience. For more information on supported browsers' versions, look here.

Running Cypress Tests


Before you run the test, make sure to create a ZIP package by following these steps:

  1. Specify ZIP Content and Entry Point Script: Ensure that the ZIP file contains, along with tests, the following files in the root directory:

    • macOS:

    • Windows:



    For a dual setup to work for both macOS and Windows, you can include both scripts in the ZIP.

  2. Indicate Cypress Paths for Screenshots, Results, and Videos: BitBar expects Cypress screenshots, results, and videos to be stored at the default Cypress paths, viewed from the root directory:

  3. Set up TEST-all.xml Generation for Test Result Presentation with junit-report-merger: To display test results effectively in the UI, create a TEST-all.xml file at the root directory of your tests. This file should be a merge of JUnit reports from different specs. Currently, BitBar supports only JUnit reporters for this purpose. Use Cypress's recommended junit-report-merger tool for merging reports. Specify the reporter either in your Cypress configuration or in a command line when running Cypress.

    Example 1. Setting up TEST-all.xml generation with junit-report-merger:
    npm install junit-report-merger --save-dev
    ./node_modules/.bin/jrm ./TEST-all.xml "cypress/results/*.xml"

  4. Specify Browsers for Testing: If you wish to run tests on specific browsers, you will need to use the Launch by a path approach. The paths for different browsers are:

    • macOS:

      /opt/nodes/node-chrome-<version>/browser/ Chrome



    • Windows:


  5. Craft a Lean ZIP Package: When creating the ZIP package, ensure efficiency by excluding unnecessary and heavy files such as node_modules. Additionally, prevent the inclusion of existing results by removing them first. A helpful approach is executing rm -rf cypress/screenshots cypress/results cypress/videos before zipping, ensuring a streamlined package ready for efficient testing.

    Example 2. Creating a ZIP package:
    zip -r backend codecov.yml cypress cypress.config.js cypress.d.ts data package.json public sandbox.config.json scripts src tsconfig.json tsconfig.tsnode.json yarn.lock run-test.ps1 .env .yarnrczip -r app cypress cypress.config.js package-lock.json package.json scripts serve.json run-test.ps1

Run Cypress Test

To create an automated test using Cypress, follow these steps:

  1. From the dashboard, navigate to Create Automated Test > Desktop (Windows, Linux & macOS).


    The process does not currently offer support for Linux.

  2. Select Desktop Browser Cypress Server Side.

  3. Choose or upload a zipped package that includes your test files alongside an entry point script, which initiates the test execution process.

  4. Choose a device from:

    • Use existing device group

    • Use chosen devices

    • Use currently idle device(s)

  5. Create and run the automated test.

    Setting Cypress Test
Check Test Results

To check the result of your test, go to the Projects section on the navigation pane and choose the one that interests you. Click the project, select a Test Run, and Go to results. The Device Session provides information on:

  1. Device Session Browser

  2. Session Details:

    • Analytics

    • Device

    • Tests and Steps

    • Issues

  3. Artifacts:

    • Screenshots

    • Videos

    • Files

  4. TEST-all.xml

  5. Create and run the automated test.

    Cypress Device Session

Cypress Supported Browsers

Here, you can find all the browsers and versions that BitBar supports for the Cypress framework.

Operating System



macOS 12




125, 124, 123, 122, 121, 120


124, 123, 122, 121, 120, 119

macOS 13




125, 124, 123, 122, 121, 120


124, 123, 122, 121, 120, 119

Windows 10


Internet Explorer


Microsoft Edge

125, 124, 123, 122, 121, 120


125 BETA, 124, 123, 122, 121, 120, 119

124, 123, 122, 121, 120, 119

Windows 11



Microsoft Edge

125, 124, 123, 122, 121, 120

125 BETA, 124, 123, 122, 121, 120, 119

124, 123, 122, 121, 120, 119

See Also

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