Static IP Addresses for Live Testing

BitBar Live Testing as Part of WebRTC

BitBar Live Testing is a platform that utilizes WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communication) to enable remote live testing sessions for mobile applications. By leveraging WebRTC technology, it establishes a real-time connection between testers and devices under test, allowing seamless collaboration and interaction regardless of geographical locations. Testers can remotely control the devices, observe the application's behavior in real-time, and perform testing and debugging activities. The integration of WebRTC ensures low-latency, high-quality communication, providing a near-native testing experience and enabling efficient collaboration among remote teams. BitBar Live Testing's use of WebRTC enhances testing efficiency, facilitates issue resolution, and promotes seamless collaboration in mobile app testing.

STUN/TURN Servers in WebRTC

STUN (Session Traversal Utilities for NAT) and TURN (Traversal Using Relays around NAT) servers are involved in WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communication) to address the challenges posed by NAT (Network Address Translation) and firewall restrictions. Here's why STUN and TURN servers are essential in WebRTC:

  • NAT Traversal: NAT is commonly used in networks to conserve IP addresses and improve security. However, it can hinder direct peer-to-peer communication between devices. STUN servers assist in NAT traversal by helping devices discover their public IP addresses and determine the type of NAT they are behind. This information enables devices to establish direct connections whenever possible.

  • Firewall Traversal: Firewalls are designed to protect networks by filtering incoming and outgoing traffic. They often block incoming connections, making it difficult for WebRTC applications to establish direct peer-to-peer connections. TURN servers act as relays in situations where direct connections are not possible due to restrictive firewalls. They relay media streams between devices, ensuring communication even in the presence of firewall restrictions.

  • Media Relay: In addition to assisting with NAT and firewall traversal, TURN servers also act as media relays. When direct peer-to-peer connections are not feasible, TURN servers receive media streams from one device and relay them to the other. This ensures that audio, video, and data can be transmitted effectively between devices, even in challenging network environments.

By incorporating STUN and TURN servers into WebRTC, the protocol can overcome network barriers posed by NAT and firewalls, enabling direct connections whenever possible and providing fallback options for reliable communication. STUN and TURN servers play a crucial role in establishing successful WebRTC connections across different network configurations.

Static IP Ranges for Network Traversal Service Regions

  • Stable Connection: By assigning static IP addresses within a specific range for your local network, you ensure a stable and consistent connection between the devices participating in the BitBar live testing session and the STUN/TURN servers. This stability is crucial for maintaining uninterrupted communication during the testing session.

  • Firewall Configuration: Configuring static IP ranges enables you to set up appropriate firewall rules to allow communication between your local network and the STUN/TURN servers. By defining specific IP ranges, you can configure your firewall to permit incoming and outgoing traffic related to the testing session, ensuring seamless connectivity without compromising network security.

  • Quality of Testing: Static IP ranges facilitate effective testing and monitoring of the BitBar live session. By assigning static IPs, you can accurately track and monitor the devices involved in the testing session, collect relevant data, and analyze the results more efficiently. This aids in identifying any issues or bottlenecks that may arise during the testing process.

  • Streamlined Network Management: Configuring static IP ranges simplifies network management tasks. With predefined IP addresses, you can easily identify and manage the devices participating in the BitBar live testing session. This allows for efficient troubleshooting, better resource allocation, and improved overall network management.

Static IP Address Ranges for Twilio and BitBar

Network communication to and from TURN servers originates and terminates from the static IP address ranges listed below for each region. Refer to these ranges if you need to configure your local network to allow communication or apply Quality of Service routing rules to communication with either Main (Twilio) and Backup (BitBar)


STUN servers also use the same static IP address ranges.


To enable BitBar Live Testing, you need to ensure that your local network allows traffic for the TURN/STUN servers hosted by one of the following below.


To ensure that you can use Twilio's WebRTC products, run the network test at the Twilio WebRTC Diagnostics page and check your connectivity.

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