Running Tests With a Pipeline Script

This guide provides detailed instructions on utilizing the BitBar Run-in-Cloud plugin within a Pipeline script (Jenkinsfile). For guidance on utilizing the UI build step within the same plugin, refer to Running Tests via the Jenkins Plugin UI.

Credentials Setup

Before you begin using the Pipeline plugin, it's essential to integrate your BitBar API key into Jenkins. To accomplish this, navigate to the Jenkins main page and follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Credentials > System > Global credentials > Add Credentials.

  2. Select BitBar API key from the Kind dropdown.

  3. Enter your API key and ID.

  4. Click Enter.

Credentials setup

Pipeline Script - Snippet Generator

There is a convenient Jenkins Pipeline Snippet Generator similar to the one that is used in the Jenkins Freestyle Project:

  1. Create New Item. Choose Pipeline.

  2. Navigate to Configure.

  3. Click Pipeline Syntax.

    Pipeline syntax link
  4. Choose Sample Step > runInCloud: Start a run in BitBar Cloud.

  5. Set up parameters like in the Freestyle project.

    Pipeline: snippet generator
  6. Use the generated snippet in your pipeline.

Pipeline Script - Simple Use Case

Explore further details about all potential parameters below. Note that the example provided is not a complete Jenkins file; it is merely a snippet.

stage('Device tests') {
  steps {
      // parameters to start test with...
      cloudUrl: "",
      credentialsId: "my-bitbar-cloud-credentials-01",
      projectId: "12345",
      deviceGroupId: "110",
      appPath: "/path/to/app.apk",
      testPath: "/path/to/",
      frameworkId: 252,
      biometricInstrumentation: true,

      // ... don't just start test, also wait for results!
             downloadScreenshots: true,
             forceFinishAfterBreak: true
             resultsPath: 'results',
             hookURL: "url_string_example",
             testRunStateCheckMethod: 'API_CALL',
             waitForResultsTimeout: 60


Explore the table below to discover the parameters you can customize for your runInCloud() method.

Table 13. Parameters

Parameter Name

Value Type




The absolute or workspace relative path to the app executable (.apk or .ipa) that should be uploaded and targeted in this test run. For example, /path/to/app.ipa. Default value: the latest app uploaded for this project.



Specifies whether to enable instrumentation on the app in order to bypass biometric authentication during testing. Value is set to false when parameters do not pass.



The BitBar Cloud URL this run should target. For example, The default value: the cloud URL that was specified in the Jenkins /config page BitBar Cloud section. Ensure that you also specify credentialsId if you specify this option.



The login credentials ID for the BitBar Cloud. The ID that you specified for your Username and password credentials (the instructions on how to accomplish this are located here). For example, my~bitbar~cloud~credentials~01.

The default value: use the credentials (email/password) that were specified in the Jenkins /config page BitBar Cloud section.



The absolute or workspace-relative path to a .zip file that your test uses as additional data during a run. For example, /path/to/ Do not use an additional data package.



Required. Used to specify which device(s) the test run will target. It's a number that you can find by visiting /#testing/devices in the BitBar Cloud and looking to the right where it says Device Groups. Under each "box" of devices, there is a number ID 12345 or such. That number, 12345, in this case, is the deviceGroupId. For example, 12345.



Specifies whether or not to download the screenshots (if any) after the test run completes. The default value: false; commands not to download screenshots (only logs) after the test run.

This parameter should be placed within the waitForResultsBlock array.



Specifies whether the runInCloud build step should cause the whole Jenkins build to fail if there is an error. You can use this option to allow your Jenkins build to pass, even if an error occurred in the BitBar runInCloud step. The default value: false; a build doesn't fail even if there is an error.

This parameter is unrelated to the success or failure of tests conducted in the cloud; its sole purpose is to determine whether the step executes without issues or encounters exceptions.



Whether or not to abort the BitBar Cloud run after waiting for the results for a set amount of time after the run started. If set to false, the cloud run is allowed to finish on its own even after the Jenkins job stopped waiting for it. The default value: false; commands not to abort the cloud run after waiting for it to finish.

This parameter should be placed within the waitForResultsBlock array.



A parameter used to specify the framework in which you want to execute your test. This parameter allows you to indicate the specific testing framework or environment that your tests should utilize.

You can obtain a list of all available frameworkIds associated with the user by making an API call to the following endpoint:

Replace {userId} with the user's unique identifier. By referencing the available frameworkId retrieved from this API call, you can select the appropriate framework for your test execution, ensuring compatibility and optimal testing environment configuration.



The URL to which the BitBar Cloud will send a POST request when the test run finishes. Ensure that the address is accessible by the global internet or included in the BitBar Cloud allow list. This can be used by enterprise systems that need to react to completed test runs. For example,

This parameter should be placed within the waitForResultsBlock array.

The default value:


This default value can be used if testRunStateCheckMethod: "HOOK_URL" is set. The hook URL info is then used by the BitBar Run~in~Cloud plugin to determine that a test run has finished.

The data sent in the POST request is a short UTF-8 snippet in the following format:




Additional environment variables provided to the test run. This can be used for advanced logic in test cases where the test might behave differently depending on some value. Key-value pairs should be semicolon-separated (;), and the key and value should be colon-separated (:).

For example, SOME_PARAM:some~value;ANOTHER_PARAM:another~value.

The default value: empty string.



The locale (language) that should be set on the phone when the run starts. Has to be a locale supported by Android.

For example, zh-TW; Chinese, Taiwan.

The default value: en-US; English, United States.

Androids only.



Required. Defines which BitBar Cloud project this test run should be included in. By extension, this also selects the target platform, Android/iOS. This value is a number that you can find by going to Projects in the BitBar Cloud and reading the URL when you select a project. For instance, if the URL in the browser is, then the project ID is 12345.

For example, 12345.



The absolute or workspace-relative path to a folder where results should be downloaded after the run completes.

For example, ./my~results.

The default value: Jenkins workspace.

This parameter should be placed within the waitForResultsBlock array.



Defines in what order tests should be run in the BitBar Cloud, in case multiple devices are targeted.

Possible values:

  • PARALLEL – The default value. Tests will execute on multiple devices in parallel.

  • SERIAL – Tests will run sequentially on devices, one device at a time.

  • SINGLE – The cloud will pick one device from the group and run the tests only on that device.



The location on the device from where test screenshots should be pulled after a test run.

For example, /sdcard/screenshots.

The default value: /sdcard/test~screenshots.

Androids only.



The value specifies a way (package/class) to narrow down the test cases that should be run. This parameter applies only to projects of the Android Instrumentation type - Espresso tests.

Possible values:

  • PACKAGE – Default. Only executes test cases defined in a certain package.

  • CLASS – Only executes test cases defined in a certain class.

Androids only.

Requires testCasesValue to be set to something meaningful.



If testCasesSelect is specified, this parameter defines the package/class by which to filter test cases. This parameter applies only to projects of the Android Instrumentation type - Espresso tests.

For example, com.mycompany.espressotests.AuthenticationTest.

An example of a class that might be defined in your tests.



The absolute or workspace-relative path to a test package that should be uploaded and run in the BitBar Cloud. Most often, a .zip or .apk file. For AppCrawler projects, this parameter should be omitted.

For example, /path/to/my/

The default value: use the latest test package that was uploaded to this project.



Custom name for the test run in the BitBar Cloud.

For example, My test run.

By default, the cloud will assign a name like Test Run 45, depending on the number of previous runs in the cloud project.



The test runner class that will execute Espresso tests. Refer to InstrumentationTestRunner for details.

For example,

The default value: android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner.

Androids only.



Specifies the method by which the plugin will check if the BitBar Cloud run has finished.

Possible values:

  • API_CALL – The plugin will continuously pull the BitBar Cloud to see if the run has finished.

  • HOOK_URL – Read more about this option in the hookURL parameter description.

This parameter should be placed within the waitForResultsBlock array.



A value in seconds, how long the cloud test can run before it is forced to shut down.

For example, 3600 (one hour).

The default value: 600 (10 minutes).



In a pipeline script, this parameter functions similarly to waitForResults:true but operates within a block context. This block signals the system to wait for results before proceeding, offering more precise control over waiting behavior by encapsulating multiple parameters.

The following parameters need to be included within waitForResultsBlock for proper functionality, ensuring synchronization with preceding actions and enhancing clarity in the pipeline script configuration:

  • waitForResultsTimeout

  • downloadScreenshots

  • forceFinishAfterBreak

  • hookURL

  • resultsPath

  • testRunStateCheckMethod



A value in seconds specifies how long the build step should wait for cloud results.

For example, 3600.

This parameter should be placed within the waitForResultsBlock array.



Runs only test cases that have a certain Java annotation specified. This parameter applies only to projects of the Android Instrumentation type - Espresso tests.

For example, Doesn't filter by annotations but instead runs all test cases.

Androids only.



Does not run test cases that have a certain Java annotation specified. This parameter applies only to projects of the Android Instrumentation type - Espresso tests.

For example, Doesn't filter by annotations but instead runs all test cases.

Androids only.

See Also

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