
Appium is an open-source automation tool that allows you to automate the testing of mobile applications (both iOS and Android) using a unified and cross-platform framework. It enables the creation and execution of test scripts for mobile apps, making it easier to ensure their functionality and quality across different devices and operating systems.

1. Create an Appium Script

To run automated tests with BitBar, create an Appium test on your own computer using Appium's documentation as a guide.


You can generate sample scripts when configuring your automated test runs in BitBar. If you decide to use your test instead of the sample one, check that it functions correctly on your local machine before running it in BitBar.

2. Create an Automated Test in BitBar

  1. After logging in to your BitBar account, click Automation in the left navigation menu, then select Create Automated Test.


    Alternatively, click Create Automated Test in the Automation Testing section on the Dashboard.

    Start creating an automated desktop test
  2. In the Select a target OS type step, select the mobile operating system on which you would like to execute the automated test.

  3. In the Select a Framework step, select the Appium test framework.

    Table 7. Appium Framework Options

    Operating System

    Appium Framework Options


    • Appium iOS Client Side

    • Server Side (Appium and other frameworks)

    • Server Side (Appium and other frameworks) with biometry


    • Appium Android Client Side

    • Server Side (Appium and other frameworks)

  4. Configure your test run, based on whether you require client-side or server-side testing:

    Client-side test configuration
    1. In the Set Capabilities step, click Mobile Web (Appium).

    2. Enter the name of your project and test run.

    3. Select the nearest Hub Location for better performance.

    4. Update your test script with the Hub URL.

    5. Configure the Appium version, Device Selection Logic, and Browser for your test run (these are known as capabilities).


      For iOS devices, the Appium version capability is provided in read-only mode. The Browser capability is also read-only for both iOS and Android.

    6. BitBar will generate script code in commonly used languages and provide a preview.


      Select the Show full sample script checkbox to utilize the script code generated by BitBar.

    7. Copy the code by clicking and then paste it into your Selenium script on your computer.

      A screenshot of BitBar Set Capabilities section in Web App Testing with the copy code button highlighted.
    Server-side test configuration
    1. In the Choose files step, select your files:

      Table 8. File Selection for Mobile OS

      Mobile Platform

      File Extension


      • App with .ipa extension.

      • Test with .zip extension.


      • App with .apk or .aab extension.

      • Test with .zip extension.

    2. In the Choose Devices step, select your devices:

      • Select existing device group

      • Use chosen devices

      • Use currently idle device(s)

    3. (Optional) In the Additional Settings (Optional) step, configure additional settings.


3. Configure the Appium Script


It is essential that you insert your API key to the copied script code and that you modify the Appium Grid address in your test.

Insert the API Key

You can insert your API key in one of the following ways:

  • Instant Insertion:

    In Capabilities Creator, click the Include API key checkbox located below the code snippet.

  • Manual Input:

    1. Acquire your API key:

      1. Log in to BitBar.

      2. Click > Security Center.

      3. Click the API tab and copy the API key value.

    2. Set the API key as the value for the apiKey parameter:

      Table 9. API Key Configuration Samples

      Languages and Runtimes



      capabilities = {
      	'bitbar:options': {
      		'apiKey': '<insert your BitBar API key here>',


      MutableCapabilities capabilities = new MutableCapabilities();
      HashMap<String, String> bitbarOptions = new HashMap<String, String>();
      bitbarOptions.put("apiKey", "<insert your BitBar API key here>");


      DriverOptions capabilities = new DriverOptions();
      IDictionary<string, string> bitbarOptions = new Dictionary<string, string>();
      bitbarOptions.Add("apiKey", "<insert your BitBar API key here>");


      capabilities ={
      	'bitbar:options' => {
      		'apiKey' => '<insert your BitBar API key here>'


      var capabilities = {
      	'bitbar:options': {
      		'apiKey': '<insert your BitBar API key here>',

Set the Appium Grid Address

You need to modify the Appium Grid address in your test’s capabilities. The value to use depends on the target location, where the tested browser will run:

  • US: APPIUM –

  • EU: APPIUM –

Now you are ready to run your test.

4. Run Your Test and View Results

Run your test as you would normally do this. The results will go to BitBar. You can view them on the Projects screen under the project and test run node, whose name you specified in capabilities:


See Also

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