Create Cycle
To create a new test cycle, send a POST request to /rest/zapi/latest/cycle
with a JSON body containing properties of the created cycle.
Request URL
POST http://{base-URL}/rest/zapi/latest/cycle
Request body
The request body contains a JSON object that specifies properties of the new cycle, for example:
{ "clonedCycleId": "", "name": "New cycle", "description": "Description of my new cycle", "projectId": "10600", "versionId": "-1", "sprintId": null, "build": "", "startDate": "29/Nov/22", "endDate": "4/Dec/22", "environment": "" }
Property description
Property | Description |
| Number. Use this parameter if you want to clone a cycle. In this case, it should specify the ID of the cycle to clone. Otherwise, this parameter must be an empty string. |
| String. The name of the new cycle. |
| String. An arbitrary string describing the cycle. |
| Number. The Jira ID of the project to which the new cycle will belong. See how to get this ID. |
| The Jira ID of the project version (version or release) to which the new cycle will belong. See how to get this ID. To assign the new cycle to an unscheduled version, use |
| Number. The Jira ID of the sprint to which the cycle will belong. If you don’t want to add the cycle to any sprint, set |
| String. The build to which the new cycle will belong. |
| Strings that specify the start and end date of the new cycle in the endDate should be later than startDate. Else, the operation will fail. |
| The string that specifies the environment for the new cycle. |
Other request parameters
Every request must include authentication parameters. See Zephyr Squad Server REST API.
Operation reference
A successful response has the HTTP status 200 OK
and contains the ID of the new cycle and a message about successful creation, for example:
{ "id": "1506", "responseMessage": "Cycle New cycle created successfully." }
In case of an error, the response code is 4xx or 5xx, and the response body contains the description of the error. Here are some examples:
If the request body doesn’t specify some required parameters, the operation returns the
406 Not Acceptable
code and the description of the problem in the response body:{ "versionId": "Version Id (versionId) is required." }
If the request body has an invalid JSON, an error will occur on the server. In this case, the response code will be
500 Internal Server Error
and the response body will include the exception text and call stack.If the request doesn’t have authentication data, the response code will be
200 OK
, and the response body will include the error message:{ "errorDesc": "You do not have the permission to make this request. Login Required.", "errorId": "ERROR" }
Create a cycle by Cloning
You can create a new cycle by cloning an existing one. To do this, use the same POST /rest/zapi/latest/cycle
operation described above.
To specify the cycle to clone, pass its ID in the "cloneCycleId" parameter in the request body. You can get this ID from the response to the request that created the cycle. See also other ways to get this ID.
Here is an example of the request body:
{ "clonedCycleId": 1500, "name": "New cycle", "projectId": 10600, "versionId": -1 }
Other parameters are –
Parameter | Description |
| The name of the new cycle. |
| The identifier of the project to which the new cycle will belong. See how to get this ID. |
| The identifier of the version to which the new cycle will belong. See how to get this ID. |
All these parameters are required. Other parameters will be copied from the source cycle.
curl --request POST ^
--user "admin:password" ^
--header "Content-Type:application/json" ^
--data "{\"cloneCycleId\": \"1500\", \"name\": \"New cycle\", \"projectId\": \"10600\", \"versionId\": \"-1\"}