Test Cycle Folders

In Zephyr Squad, test cycle folders allow for further planning and structure to the Test Planning and Execution processes. Leads no longer need to cram all their executions into a single test cycle or spread them across multiple test cycles and lose metric information. Now these executions can be diversified into test cycle folders under a test cycle while keep metric information in one place - in the overall Test Cycle the folders are attached to.

To create a folder, select an existing Test Cycle's contextual menu and then select Add Folder.

Add folder button

The user will be prompted to enter a name before the folder is created.

New folder name

Once the new Folder is created, you can now use the contextual menu to Add Tests, Edit the folder information, Clone, Delete, or Export the folder.

Folder actions menu

Adding tests to the folder works just like it does when adding tests to a test cycle in that you have three ways to add: Individual, By Filter, or From Another Cycle or Folder.

Test list in folder

You can notice the folder also has a count of the total executions in it and how many are executed. All folder executions under a test cycle are added to the numbers for the overall test cycle. You can see how a whole test cycle is progressing from a single view in the parent test cycle of any folder.

See Also

Creating, Cloning and Viewing Test Cycles

Appending Clone Prefix Option

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