Display Archive Versions for Test Cycles

In Zephyr Squad, test cycles and folders are viewed in the cycle summary page. By default, "Display Release Versions" is enabled and it will display all test cycles whether or not the test cycle version/release is released or not. The option to "Display Archive Versions" is disabled and it will not display any of the test cycles for the version/release on the cycle summary that have been archived. Following the example below will explain for further context.

In this scenario, we have 3 different releases for our project and each release contains multiple test cycles. Here, we'll decide to archive the release called "Version 2.0". If we have the "Display Archive Versions" option enabled in the general configuration, we can then view all test cycles for the all the releases whether or not they are archived not on the cycle summary page. If the "Display Archive Versions" option is disabled, we are limited to viewing the test cycles only available to the releases that are NOT archived on the cycle summary page.

Archive version option

If we take a look at the left image, we can see that the test cycles for "Version 2.0" release are hidden and are not shown on the cycle summary page.

  • The "Display Archive Versions" option is disabled in this image as it's hiding the test cycles for the release that was archived.

Now if we look at the right image, we can see that the test cycles for "Version 2.0" release are shown along with the other release test cycles on the cycle summary page.

  • The "Display Archive Versions" option is enabled in this image as it's showing the test cycles for the release even though the release was archived.

Cycle summary page without hidden releases
Cycle summary page with active releases

Display Archive Versions is an option that can be enabled and disabled in the General Configuration settings for Zephyr Squad. To enable the option, do the following:

  1. Click the Settings icon> Manage apps and select General Configuration in the Zephyr Squad section of the sidebar.

  2. Scroll down the page and select the Display Archived Versions check box:

    General configuration page

See Also

Creating, Cloning and Viewing Test Cycles

Cycle Summary

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