
What is your uptime?

Zephyr Squad Cloud uptime on average has been well over 99% over the past year. Uptime metrics are available to the public on

How does Zephyr Squad Cloud scale on increased demand (for example, horizontal/vertical scaling)?

We have the ability to both horizontally and vertically scale all of our resources (services, databases, and so on) on an increase in demand.

How does Zephyr Squad Cloud respond to performance hits? For example, how would Zephyr Squad Cloud handle 3000 user requests at once?

We have the ability to scale our app to respond to an increase in demand, and we continuously monitor the system to address any performance issues that occur.

Do you do spike testing, soak testing, stress testing, load testing?

No, although we closely monitor the performance of our production systems and act to maintain and improve it accordingly.

See Also

Data Privacy

Data Security

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