Restore Caveats

go.gifRestoring data from previous snapshot on same instance.

If Jira data (Testcase, version, project, component etc) changed since the snapshot is taken, this is likely to create orphaned references.

go.gifRestoring data from previous snapshot from a another Jira OnDemand instance.

This data can’t be restored.

go.gifRestoring data from a another Jira server instance.

This functionality is not supported.

go.gifRestoring data from previous snapshot with imported project.

Because imported Jira data has different identifiers, restore process may result in bad or orphan references.

go.gifMerge multiple Jira Cloud instances.

This functionality is not supported.

go.gifRestoring Test Cycle and Execution Details for tests issues when moved between projects.

This functionality is not supported.

See Also

UI Overview

Terms and Concepts

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