Our Roadmap

Visibility of our Roadmap

We love to hear what you have to say about Zephyr Squad, especially improvements that can make the app work better for you. That's why we created a public area to collect these ideas and share our own with you. Click on this link to access the Zephyr Squad roadmap. We encourage you to vote, comment on existing ideas, or create new ones. Our product management team conducts regular reviews of ideas. The displayed ideas are those we identified as the most important and possible to develop. After you created a new idea, you won't see it in the roadmap. The product team will review it and possibly map it with other existing ideas. We consider every idea you send to us. First, we consolidate them internally. Then we include them on the roadmap if we find they have potential.


This roadmap contains information on upcoming features. Remember that the information here is for informational purposes only. Do not base your decision on it if you consider the purchase. Items listed on the roadmap are subject to change or delay. Development, release, and timing are at the sole discretion of Zephyr Squad.

Release Notes

You can see what we’ve released at any time by visiting this link:

go.gifZephyr Squad Cloud Release Notes

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