Version 6

This topic contains descriptions of new features and bug fixes for Zephyr Scale.

The most recent changes are listed at the top of the page.


If manually downloading the archive from the Atlassian Marketplace, please make sure to download the one compatible with your Jira. Version 6.9.1-jira7 is compatible with Jira 7 only and version 6.9.1 is compatible with Jira 8.x and later.


This section contains multiple releases.


  • Released on March 4, 2020.

  • Compatible with Jira 7.X and later.


This version is compatible with Jira 8.7 and includes changes for GDPR compliance. Remember to upgrade to this version before upgrading your Jira instance to ensure everything works as expected.

Update: Improved Performance

Zephyr Scale’s browser loading time is now faster than ever!

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug that caused user keys for custom user-picker fields to be incorrect when comparing test case versions.

  • Fixed a bug that caused tooltips on filters to display HTML tags.


  • Released on January 20, 2020.

  • Compatible with Jira 7.X and later.


This version is compatible with Jira 8.7 and includes changes for GDPR compliance. Remember to upgrade to this version before upgrading your Jira instance to ensure everything works as expected.

New Feature: Improved Import/Export Thresholds

We improved export and reporting thresholds to give you more control over your system’s performance. We made the UI language and system messages more clear, too.

Check out Setting Thresholds to Improve Performance to learn more.Configure Jira Global Settings for Zephyr Scale

Update: Support for Jira

Zephyr Scale has been updated to support the latest version of Jira.

New Import Options

You now have the ability to import a CSV or Excel file containing custom field information for test steps.

Bug Fixes

  • We fixed a bug that caused the Test Execution Results (Detailed) report not to open if it included 2100+ test executions or test cases was removed.

  • We fixed a bug causing the mishandling of test executions without a status on the GET /testrun endpoint.


  • Released on December 5, 2019.

  • Compatible with Jira 7.X and later.

New Feature: Zephyr Scale Events for ScriptRunner for Jira

If you’re an avid ScriptRunner for Jira user, you might notice the addition of three Zephyr Scale events:

  • TestExecutionChangedEvent

  • TestCaseChangedEvent

  • TestCycleChangedEvent

By integrating ScriptRunner with Zephyr Scale, you can automate and customise Zephyr Scale even more to better suit your specific needs and make your testing efforts more accurate and efficient. Check out the ScriptRunner API options.

Example scripts are available on the Adaptavist Library.

Check out our customer documentation for the ScriptRunner for Jira integration to learn more. There, you’ll learn to create listeners in ScriptRunner using Zephyr Scale events and create script fields with ScriptRunner for Zephyr Scale data.

New Feature: Set Export Thresholds

Admins can now set thresholds (limits) for specific operations to avoid performance issues. Thresholds are available for both test-case and test-execution exports, and you can limit the number of results generated by the Test Executions (Detailed) report.Configure Jira Global Settings for Zephyr Scale

Bug Fixes

  • We fixed a bug that caused a 404 error after traceability was added to an issue.

  • We fixed a performance issue related to TestRail imports.

  • We resolved an issue in the Test Player that caused test-case environments to be unnecessarily hidden.

  • A fix has been applied for a paging issue in the Traceability Tree (Custom Hierarchy) report.

  • We fixed an issue that prevented test cycle sections from being collapsed.


This section contains multiple releases.


  • Released on October 22, 2019.

  • Compatible with Jira 7.X and later.

Bug Fixes

  • We removed an issue that prevented test cycles with 1000+ test cases from being deleted.

  • We fixed issues arising from linked custom field values for downloading test case attachments and deleting test cases.

  • The data input for the Planned Start Date field and the time shown when exporting this data were mismatched. This bug, relatee to timezone, has been fixed.

  • We fixed an issue which caused export failures on Oracle and SQL Server for the Test Execution Results (List) report if there were many items in the list.

  • We resolved an export issue related to the Test Execution Results (List) report that occurred when a field contained more than 32 KB of content.

  • We fixed an issue that was hiding drop-down options clicked near the bottom of the screen.

  • We fixed an issue that caused the REST API endpoint /rest/atm/1.0/testcase/search to not work if any invalid test data existed.


  • Released 30 September 2019.

  • Compatible with Jira 7.X and later.

Bug Fixes

  • We fixed a security issue to prevent XSS attacks from occurring in the history log.


  • Released 13 September.

  • Compatible with Jira 7.X and later.

Update: Support for Jira

Zephyr Scale has been updated to support the latest version of Jira.

Bug Fixes

  • We added pagination to the information displayed when viewing test executions in the Test Player, improving performance.

  • A fix was created for a malfunction with the Favourite Filters option in coverage reports.

  • To avoid performance impact, the maximum number of test cases that can be exported to PDF at one time is now 5,000.Working With Test Cases

  • Improvements were made to memory management when exporting test cases and test executions via XML and Microsoft Excel.

  • The 65.535 row limit in Excel for test case and test execution exports has been removed.

  • We fixed the non-functioning Estimated Time field in the history section for test cases.

  • An issue was fixed related to test execution progress in test cycle lists, when filtering by last test results.


  • Released 20 August 2019.

  • Compatible with Jira 7.X and later.

Update: Security Vulnerability Notice

This version of Zephyr ScaleZephyr Scale and Data Center addresses a critical security vulnerability that was recently identified in Zephyr Scale. The vulnerability affects all versions of Zephyr Scale prior to 6.7.2.

The vulnerability means that files and network resources (such as http) were accessible to the Jira server via an XML external entity (XXE) flaw. In order to exploit this flaw users must be logged into Jira and have permissions to view a project that has Zephyr Scale enabled.

If you have any questions, please feel free to raise a support request referencing JQA-7984.


  • Released 20 August 2019.

  • Compatible with Jira 7.X and later.


This version has been withdrawn from the Atlassian Marketplace due to an issue with a database upgrade task introduced on version 6.6.0. All changes and improvements listed below are included in the next publicly available version (6.7.2).

Bug Fixes

  • We improved performance of the export-to-Excel feature for test cases. We also changed the export format from Excel 2003 (xls) to Excel 2007 (xlsx).


  • Released 19 August 2019.

  • Compatible with Jira X.X and later.


This version has been withdrawn from the Atlassian Marketplace due to an issue with a database upgrade task introduced on version 6.6.0. All changes and improvements listed below are included in the next publicly available version (6.7.2).

New Feature: Archive and Unarchive Test Cases

You can now archive and unarchive test cases in the test library. This gives you the freedom to remove unwanted test cases from the test library without permanently deleting the data.Working With Test Cases

Simply select the desired test case and click Archive. All archived test cases are visible in the Archived section at the bottom of the left-hand sidebar, where the folders are located.

You can unarchive these test cases at any time by selecting, then clicking Unarchive.

To archive:

The archive button

Click the image to enlarge it.

To view archived tests:

Archived tests folder

Click the image to enlarge it.

To unarchive test cases:

The unarchive button

Click the image to enlarge it.

Update: Support for Jira

Zephyr Scale has been updated to support the latest version of Jira.

Bug Fixes

  • We fixed the issue of archived environments showing in the dropdown options for test cases in test cycles.

  • We removed a bug causing the Assigned To and Executed By fields to not be visible in the Test Execution Results (Detailed) report.

  • A bug was fixed that was preventing the Test Cycle view to load in older versions of Chrome, Firefox, and EDGE.

  • The number of auto-complete options for test cases, cycles, and plans when filtering reports has been increased.

  • The function GET /testrun/{testRunId} endpoint to block calls with empty "fields" queryParam has been improved.


  • Released on August 8, 2019.

  • Compatible with Jira 7.X and later.


This version has been withdrawn from the Atlassian Marketplace due to an issue with a database upgrade task. All changes and improvements listed below are included in the next publicly available version (6.7.2).

New Feature: Test Player Screen Functionality

Now, you can delete test executions by clicking the delete icon in the Test Player.

The 'Test Player' screen

Click the image to enlarge it.

You can delete test executions by clicking the Delete icon, but use caution, as deletion is permanent and deleted test data cannot be retrieved.

The 'Delete' button

Click the image to enlarge it.

If you can’t delete test executions, you may need to adjust permissions in the Test Executions category.

The test executions' permissions screen

Click the image to enlarge it.

Bug Fixes

  • A bug preventing filtering test cases by custom field in the REST API has been removed.

  • A bug preventing the accurate cloning of test cases was removed.

  • We fixed a bug causing issues when trying to open the Test Cycle view.

  • Fixed a bug causing Incorrect URL in Test Execution Results by Test Cycle gadget.

  • Fixed a bug that caused the Test Execution Results by Test Cycle gadget to display an incorrect URL.

  • A bug causing failures to load in the Test Cycle view deleted test cases from Jira projects has been removed.

  • We made UI improvements in the settings section of the reporting filter.


This section contains multiple releases.


  • Released on July 11, 2019.

  • Compatible with Jira 7.X and later.

Bug Fixes

  • All issues related to unsuccessful imports from Test Rail have been resolved.


  • Released 25 June 2019.

  • Compatible with Jira 7.X and later.

Update: Support for Jira

Zephyr Scale has been updated to support the latest version of Jira.

Update: Percentage and Count Data Options

Options have been added to allow users to display data as a percentage or count in reports and charts.

Update: New Filters in Traceability Tree

An option to filter issues by coverage has been added to the Traceability Tree report.

Update: Report Display Update

Now reports display the name of test cases, plans, and test cycles in addition to the test key.

Bug Fixes

  • We fixed an error in importing custom fields for test cases from XML/CSV files.

  • We resolved an issue related to updating custom fields via the REST API.

  • A bug has been removed from scorecard reports. The issue arose when test plans contained test cases with test execution statuses of the same name, imported from different Jira projects.

  • We also fixed a bug preventing generation of the following reports:

    • Test execution matrix by test cycle

    • Test execution matrix by environment

    • Test execution matrix over time


  • Released on May 21, 2019.

  • Compatible with Jira 7.X and later.

New Feature: Custom Fields for Folders

Whether you have 15 folders or 150 folders, additional information beyond folder names can provide more context for important pieces of your project.Configuring Zephyr Scale Server

The custom folder fields

Click the image to enlarge it.

Update: Reorder Parameters

It’s now possible to reorder parameters in the Test Script tab. This allows users to customise their view and see the fields most relevant to their needs.

Bug Fixes

  • We fixed a bug to prevent issues when executing failed upgrade tasks for the second time.

  • We also fixed a bug which was allowing users to change the description of system default statuses unnecessarily.


This section contains multiple releases.


  • Released on May 1, 2019.

  • Compatible with Jira 7.X and later.

Update: Improved Analytics Tracking

We added improved analytics tracking, allowing you to more easily and accurately gather data.


  • Released 01 May 2019.

  • Compatible with Jira 7.X and later.

Bug Fixes

  • A bug was fixed which did not allow user keys to contain a space character when displaying test cases, cycles, and plans.


  • Released 30 April 2019.

  • Compatible with Jira 7.X and later.

New Feature: Traceability Tree Report with Custom Hierarchy

The new Traceability Tree (Custom Hierarchy) report offers you dynamic, broad-ranging traceability and test case coverage statistics. Regardless of which development items your team uses—epic, feature, story, task, etc.—and regardless of the hierarchy your team uses to structure and organize the work, the Traceability Tree report allows you a powerful high-level overview of all testing coverage.Generating Reports

The 'Traceability tree' report

Click the image to enlarge it.

The traceability list

Click the image to enlarge it.

Bug Fixes

  • Support for analytics tracking has been added.Reports Overview

  • There is now an increased number of results in the filter by folder dropdown.


  • Released on April 8, 2019.

  • Compatible with Jira 7.X and later.

New Feature: Support for Bamboo

Zephyr Scale’s Bamboo integration enables you to automate tests outside Jira, run them in Bamboo during the CI/CD pipeline, and have results sent back to Zephyr Scale for reporting and tracking.

The 'Script Configuration' screen

Click the image to enlarge it.

New Feature: Improved Onboarding

The onboarding process is a critical step in having new users getting up to speed quickly. In order to provide insights and guidance, we have improved the empty state pages as part of a cohesive onboarding experience throughout Zephyr Scale. The empty state pages will provide links related to the task to be done to educate and engage new users.

The onboarding message

Click the image to enlarge it.

Update: Reports Filtered by Tester

In any test execution report by tester, you can now filter the results by either the tester assigned to the test case or the tester who executed the test case.

The filter by tester

Click the image to enlarge it.

Bug Fixes

  • Pagination was integrated for the add-test-cycle dialog.

  • A bug in the test case grid causing an error when sorting the grid by custom field has been removed.

  • A bug was fixed which prevented generating report test execution results by tester.

  • We removed bug on the REST API related to errors when adding test cases to the test cycle.


  • Released on March 11, 2019.

  • Compatible with Jira 7.X and later.

Update: Titles for Gadgets

Titles may now be given to identify specific gadgets in the Jira dashboard.

The Jira dashboard

Click the image to enlarge it.

The test execution results

Click the image to enlarge it.

Update: Custom Priorities

Now custom priorities may be created for test cases. Also, priorities can be modified in existing cases using the Configuration page.

The 'Priorities' screen

Click the image to enlarge it.

Bug Fixes

  • A bug related to displaying heat maps in the gadgets and reports section was removed.

  • Layout issues for scorecard reports have been resolved.

  • A bug was fixed that caused an error in the second page of the grid view, when searching test cycles and test plans.

  • A bug was removed that caused an exporting error in Microsoft Excel files with more than 32,767 characters in a cell.

  • The REST API now allows for custom fields for test executions.


  • Released on February 25, 2019.

  • Compatible with Jira 8.X and later.

Update: Support for Jira 8

Zephyr Scale has been updated in order to support Jira 8.

Publication date: