Create a Role

Create a new user role

Use the following operation to create a user role in Zephyr Enterprise.

POST flex/services/rest/v3/role

Request format

To create a user role, send a POST request to the following URL:


Request body

  "name":"Administration Role",

The roleTemplateId value specifies the level of permissions for certain applications in Zephyr. It can be either 1 (Administration Apps), or 2 (Project Apps).

Response body

#For Role Template 1

  "id" : 106,
  "name" : "Administration Role ",
  "hasManagerApp" : false,
  "deletable" : true,
  "editable" : true,
  "createdOn" : 1588062308198,
  "roleTemplate" :
  {"id" : 1,"templateName" : "Administration Apps","templateType" : 1,
  "templateApps" : "{
  "apps": [
           {"id":1,"name":"System Setup"},
           {"id":2,"name":"User Setup"},
           {"id":3,"name":"Project Setup"},
           {"id":6,"name":"Defect Admin"},
           {"id":32,"name":"Group Setup"}
  "editable" : true,
  "deletable" : true
"isProjectAppRole" : false}
#For Role Template 2

  "id" : 107,
  "name" : "Project APP",
  "hasManagerApp" : false,
  "deletable" : true,
  "editable" : true,
  "createdOn" : 1588062577117,
  "roleTemplate" : {
  "id" : 2,
  "templateName" : "Project Apps","templateType" : 2,"templateApps" : "
    {"apps": [
              {"id":8,"name":"Release Setup"},
              {"id":11,"name":"Test Planning"},
              {"id":15,"name":"Test Repository"},
              {"id":16,"name":"Test Execution"},
              {"id":17,"name":"Defect Tracking"},
              {"id":20,"name":"Execute All Executions"}
  "editable" : true,
  "deletable" : true},
  "isProjectAppRole" : true

Assign a permission to the role

Use the following operation to assign a permission to the user role.

PUT /flex/services/rest/v3/role/permission?roleid={role ID}

Request format

To assign a permission to a user role, send a PUT request to the following URL:

http://{ZEPHYR-SERVER}/flex/services/rest/v3/role/permission?roleid={role ID}

role ID is the ID of the role of the Zephyr Enterprise user.

Request body (Administration Apps)


Request body (Project Apps)


The applicationName value indicates the application that can be accessed by the user who has the specified role.

Possible values:

1 - System Setup

2 - User Setup

3 - Project Setup

6 - Defect Admin

8 - Release Setup

9 - Requirements

11 - Test Planning

13 - Reporting

15 - Test Repository

16 - Test Execution

17 - Defect Tracking

20 - Execute All Executions

32 - Group Setup

See Also

Migration REST API

Publication date: