Key Points

Below is a list of key points you need to keep in mind when migrating data from HP ALM to Zephyr Enterprise:

  • You must be logged in to Zephyr as test.manager.

  • You must be logged in to HP ALM as an administrator that has access to all ALM modules.

  • The names of all ALM users, tests, releases, cycles, phases, and so on must contain at least two characters. If you have such entities, please rename them before migration. Otherwise, they will be ignored.

  • Do not change the users' logins or passwords during migration (both in Zephyr and in ALM).

  • After migrating all of your projects, you need to disable the users that are disabled in HP ALM and perform full reindexing.

  • After migration, once the Zephyr instance is configured with SMTP configurations, it generates new user records with email IDs. The new users will receive two emails from us notifying that:

    1. A new account has been created. Refer to the sample email below:

      Hi John, 
      You have been added as a dashboard user of Test Department and can access it at the
      Your username is: john.smith
      Once you are assigned to a particular project, you will be able to access the Desktop and use application to work on the project/realease.
      To view the Department and Project Dashboard, go to 
      Test Manager
      This mail is auto generated by Zephyr at
    2. A temporary password for the new email account. Refer to the sample email below:

      Hi John,
      You have been added as a user of Test Department and can access it at
      Your temporary password is: john.smith
      You will be prompted to change it the first time.
      If you forget your password, please email me and I will reset it for you.
      To view the Department and Project Dashboard, go to
      Test Manager
      This mail is auto generated by Zephyr at
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