Create a Project

Create a project in Zephyr Enterprise

Use the following operation:

POST /flex/services/rest/latest/project

Request format

To create a project, send a POST request to the following URL:


Request body

  "name":"Zephyr Migration project ",
  "isolationLevel": 0

The IsolationLevel value can be one of the following:

0 – Normal

1 - Restricted

2 - Isolated

Response body

{ "projectDto": {
    "id": 4,
    "version": 0,
    "name": "Zephyr Migration project ",
    "startDate": 1564338600000,
    "projectStartDate": "07/28/2019",
    "showItem": false,
    "newItem": false,
    "dtsId": 1,
    "members": [],
    "projectGroups": [],
    "sharedProjects": [],
    "isolationLevel": 0,
    "dashboardSecured": false,
    "dashboardRestricted": false,
    "createdOn": 1588066484931,
    "shared": false,
    "active": true,
    "customProperties": {},
    "globalProject": false,
    "allowedGlobalProject": false,
    "autoUpdateTestStatus": false,
    "webhookId": 0},
    "totalResources": 0}

Assign the user to the project

Use the following operation:

PUT /flex/services/rest/latest/project

Request format

To assign a user to a project, send a PUT request to the following URL:


Request body

  "name":"Zephyr Migration project",

Response body

  "projectDto": {
     "id": 5,
     "version": 1,
     "name": "Zephyr Migration project A ",
     "startDate": 1564297200000,
     "projectStartDate": "07/28/2019",
     "showItem": false,
     "newItem": false,
     "dtsId": 1,
     "members": [
       "id": 19,
        "version": 0,
        "startDate": 1564297200000,
        "role": {
                  "id": 2,
                  "hasManagerApp": false,
                  "deletable": true,
                  "editable": true,
                  "isProjectAppRole": false
        "userId": 10,
        "isGroupUser": false
         "id": 20,
         "version": 0,
         "startDate": 1564297200000,
         "role": {
                  "id": 2,
                  "hasManagerApp": false,
                  "deletable": true,
                  "editable": true,
                  "isProjectAppRole": false
        "userId": 11,
        "isGroupUser": false}
    "projectGroups": [],
    "sharedProjects": [],
    "isolationLevel": 0,
    "dashboardSecured": false,
    "dashboardRestricted": false,
    "createdOn": 1588067034000,
    "shared": false,
    "active": true,
    "customProperties": {},
    "customFieldValues": [],
    "globalProject": false,
    "allowedGlobalProject": false,
    "autoUpdateTestStatus": false,
    "oldDtsId": 1,"webhookId": 0},
    "username": "John.Smith",
    "firstname": "John",
    "lastname": "Smith",
    "totalResources": 2,
    "leadUserId": 10,
    "webhookUpdationResponse": {}

See Also

Migration REST API

Publication date: