Zephyr Scale Automate Features

Parallel Testing

You can enable parallel testing in the Test Player under the Automate section by switching on the Run test in parallel option.

A screenshot of the "Run test in parallel" switch in Zephyr Scale.

To find the maximum parallel testing allowed for your account in Reflect, go to Settings -> Account Information.

A screenshot of Reflect account information page with Parallel tests highlighted.

Check the quick demo below to start with parallel testing:


Cross-Browser Testing

Zephyr Scale Automate allows you to test across different web browsers. You can set up cross-browser testing in the Automation section under the Browser drop-down menu. We support the latest versions of popular browsers like Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Edge.

A screenshot of Zephyr Scale testing browsers drop-down menu.

Check the quick demo below to start with cross-browser testing:


Email / SMS Testing

The guide to Email / SMS Testing in Zephyr Scale Automate is available in the Reflect Documentation.

Check the quick demo below to start with Email/SMS testing:

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