Our Roadmap

Visibility of our roadmap

At Zephyr Scale, we work in an agile way. We constantly review our work and learn from it, just as we learn from the changes we make. We are always eager to listen to our customers' suggestions and hear about their experiences with Zephyr Scale. We believe that their feedback leads to improvements that make the application work better. Here is the link to our Public Road map with the main features we plan to work on over the next 12-18 months.


This roadmap contains information about upcoming features. Please note that the information presented is for informational purposes only, so do not rely on it for purchasing or planning. As with all products, items listed on the roadmap are subject to change or delay. The development, release, and timing remain dependent on these changes or delays.

Feature requests/ideas

We’d love to hear your suggestions for improving our product. Please submit your idea here.


Your idea will not be visible immediately. It will first be reviewed by our product management team, who will evaluate it alongside existing ideas or create a new idea if needed. Only the ideas we identify as the most important and feasible will be displayed on the roadmap.

Release notes

You can see what we’ve released at any time by visiting the links below:

Publication date: