Run Automated Test with Zephyr Scale Automate

Zephyr Scale now includes a set of automation features that you can use to automate your existing manual test cases or even create new automation test cases without knowing how to code.


Watch this video to help you get started:

Zephyr Scale offers a rich set of automation features including a cloud-based recorder and execution engine, test step suggestions, Scheduler, API testing, Video Playback, Network logs and CI/CD integrations.

We allocate a fixed number of test runs per month based on your Jira Tier:

Table 1. Number of automated test executions per month

Jira Tier

Zephyr Scale

Up to 10 (Flat fee)


















25k +


To get started with creating and running an automated test, follow the step by step tutorial on how to run automated test.

If you want to run more tests than what Zephyr Scale offers by default, you can upgrade to Zephyr Scale Automate. Zephyr Scale Automate expands the built-in automation features available for you in Zephyr Scale. By adding on Zephyr Scale Automate, you can expand your automation efforts even further with 4-6x more no-code test runs and other next-level automation features. See the full list of features that the installation of Zephyr Scale Automate unlocks for you.

To view differences between what Zephyr Scale and Zephyr Scale Automate offers, click here.

Installing Zephyr Scale Automate

Zephyr Scale Automate is an add-on for Zephyr Scale. So to function it requires an active Zephyr Scale license. Zephyr Scale Automate will not work separately from Zephyr Scale.

To install Zephyr Scale Automate go to our listing page on Atlassian Marketplace.

After installing Zephyr Scale Automate Jira admins will see a new app in the App Management view of Jira and can manage subscriptions as for other Jira apps.

After the installation Zephyr Scale UI will get updated to illustrate that Zephyr Scale Automate is installed.


Testing Environments

Effective testing is critical to ensuring the reliability and performance of your applications. Below is an overview of types of environments, along with links to detailed documentation that you use to set up and manage these environments effectively.

  • Testing in Public Environments: The automation feature in Zephyr Scale works by default in public environments.

  • Testing in Private/Local Environments:

    • Private environments are secure and controlled for testing apps, isolated from the public internet. This protects sensitive data and configurations. See the documentation on private environments for more details.

    • Local environments let developers test apps on their machines. This setup is ideal for development and debugging, offering quick feedback and ease of use. See the documentation on local environments for more information.

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