How to Run an Automated Test Execution

From a Test Case View

Running a test case from the test script page does not count as an ad-hoc test execution. Note that no test execution will be created after in Zephyr Scale. Run your automation tests from this view to ensure your test case can be used with the automation feature. You must run real test executions in the Test Player view.

  1. Accessing Automation Options in Zephyr Scale: Go to a Zephyr Scale test case with a Test Script type of Step by Step.

  2. Running Automated Tests: In the Test Script tab, click the Run Automated Test button. This opens a new panel with configuration for automating the test case.

  3. Configuring Test Options:

    • Starting URL: Enter the URL of the public website under test. The automated test will start by navigating to this URL. The URL is a required field. If your testing environment has no public URL, see how to configure access for private/local environments.

    • Device Profile: Choose whether the test runs on a desktop browser, or emulates a tablet or mobile browser.


      First automation test run can only be done in Google Chrome.

  4. Starting the Test: Click the Run Test button.

  5. Editing Test Steps: You are redirected to the Test Step Suggestions page. Reflect displays some suggestions on how you can edit and/or split your steps. Next, a list of suggested improvements to the test will be displayed. These improvements are generated by the Reflect AI, and are designed to make your test easier for the AI to execute. Improvements may include corrections for spelling and grammar, rephrasing test steps for greater clarity, and splitting up test steps such that each step represents a single action or assertion.


    The Test Step Suggestion page appears only the first time you run an automated test. The Test Step Suggestion page is not displayed for subsequent runs.

  6. When you’re satisfied with your steps, click Approve and Run. The changes you just made in Reflect are synchronized back to Zephyr Scale.

  7. Your test is running. Once it’s complete, you’ll see the following notice:

  8. Now you can see the test.


    Click on View Results. This allows you to watch the recorded execution of a test case. When you click on "View Test", you will be redirected to the view shown in the screenshot above. You'll have a hyperlink to go to the test case in Zephyr Scale.


Next time you’ll run the same test, you won’t be redirected to the new window. The test will run while you’re on Zephyr Scale page.

From a Test Player

You can run all of your tests in a test cycle at once, or you can run each test individually. If you choose to run all of your tests, they will run as automated tests in the same order as they are listed in the Test Player.

  1. Go to a Zephyr Scale Test Cycle library. Select the desired cycle from the list.

  2. Click Run Automated Tests.

  3. The list of the test cases included in this cycle appears on the right. The test cases that were already run have the enabled status.

  4. The disabled test cases have to be run individually before they can be part of the automated test cycle.

  5. Choose the test case on the left pane to run it individually:

  6. Click on the run automated test button as per in the image above.

  7. Scroll down to run a test cycle with the selected test cases. You can select/remove enabled test cases from your run.

  8. Click Run.

  9. While the test is running you can click the Watch option that will take you to Reflect:

  10. Refresh the page to see changes to the test execution statuses.


If the Run tests in parallel toggle is on, test cases in the selected test cycle will be executed in parallel; if the toggle is off, tests in the test cycle will be executed sequentially.

To execute the test cycle that was already executed by Reflect, clone the Test Cycle in Zephyr Scale. To learn more, go to Editing, Cloning and Deleting Test Cycles

You can’t use the new no-code automation feature with Zephyr Scale test cases that use call-to-test, Zephyr Scale test data, or parameter features.

If you never used Zephyr Scale Automate, your account will be created automatically just after running your first automated test. The first person running the automated test (the person who initiates the Zephyr Scale Automate account creation) becomes an admin of the Reflect instance.

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