General Tab

Use the general tab to configure:

  • Portal Status

  • Portal Name

  • Portal URL

  • Logo

  • Favicon

  • OpenAPI Rendering

Portal Status

SwaggerHub Portal allows you to set one of the following statuses:

  • Portal online. This status means that you can access both the provider view and the consumer view. Both providers and consumers can access and navigate your published portal when it is online.

  • Portal offline. This status means that you can only access the provider view. Opening the consumer view returns an offline message. Providers and consumers cannot access your published portal when it is offline.

You can change the visibility status of your portal anytime.

Portal Name

The portal name is a unique name that is shown on all your portal pages.


Use a portal name that reflects the branding of your portal.

Portal URL


Changing the portal URL breaks links and bookmarks pointing to the portal.

The Portal URL is a unique web address used to access your published Portal.

The Portal URL consists of the following parts:

  • A domain, which is always the following:

  • A configurable subdomain, for example: petco

Example 1. Custom Portal URL for PetCo Portal 


  • To set up a custom domain, go to Custom Domain

  • Choose a descriptive subdomain name that reflects your organization's branding.


The logo is a small image that is shown on the left side of the top menu bar on portal pages.



Minimum Horizontal Size

64 pixels

Minimum Vertical Size

64 pixels

File Format

  • GIF

  • JPG

  • PNG


The image file size cannot be more than 5 MB.


The favicon is a small image that is shown in browser tabs and bookmark bars.



Horizontal Size

16 pixels

Vertical Size

16 pixels

File Format

  • ICO

  • GIF

  • PNG


The image file size cannot be more than 5 MB.

OpenAPI Rendering

This setting allows you to choose how you want to render your OpenAPI definitions across all your products in SwaggerHub Portal.

You can choose:

  • Elements/SwaggerUI

  • Elements

  • SwaggerUI

If you choose Elements/SwaggerUI, you'll be able to switch between the two options using a toggle when viewing the API.


You can generate code snippets in the Elements User Interface.

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