Glossary of Terms and Acronyms


accent color

A secondary color in the portal color scheme, used to highlight important elements by creating color contrast.


A user of a product or products.

consumer view

A SwaggerHub Portal layout that shows the latest published portal as it appears to providers and consumers.

Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS)

A security mechanism that allows a web page from one domain to access resources from another domain. Learn more here.


A small image that is shown in browser tabs and bookmark bars.

hero image

In the context of SwaggerHub Portal: An image that is shown in the top-left corner of portal landing pages.

illustration image

In the context of SwaggerHub Portal: An image that is shown at the top of portal landing pages.

In the context of SwaggerHub Portal: An image that is shown on the left side of the top menu bar of portal pages.


In the context of SwaggerHub Portal: A logical group that contains a portal and all connected resources.


A website created in the SwaggerHub Portal application. Portals are made and maintained by providers to present products to consumers, and improve API discoverability and exploration.


In the context of SwaggerHub Portal, it is a business solution made up from:

  • A collection of APIs.

  • A comprehensive documentation for the APIs.

  • Any other resources needed to integrate the APIs.


A designer and creator of a product or products.

provider view

A SwaggerHub Portal layout that allows providers to configure the appearance and contents of their portals.

single Sign-On (SSO)

A user authentication method that allows logging in to all SmartBear products using a single ID.

SmartBear ID (SBID)

A tool used to manage user authorization and account settings.


A tool used by consumers and providers to design, find, and manage APIs.

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