Manage APIs

Edit API

You can only view, link, and unlink APIs in SwaggerHub Portal.

Go to SwaggerHub to edit APIs.


If you update an API, you must republish the connected products. If you do not republish the products, the changes in the API will not be visible in the consumer view.

Link API to Product

To link an API from SwaggerHub to a product:

  1. On the home screen, select Manage Content next to the product.

  2. Click the plus button next to the table of contents.

  3. Select Link APIs.

  4. Select the SwaggerHub project from the drop-down menu.

  5. In the API list, select the drop-down button next to the API.

  6. Select Link API next to the API version.

The selected API version is linked to the product.


You can link a private API to a public product, and this icon private-api.png will be shown beside the API in the product.


Public products can contain private APIs. If a public product contains a private API, that private API is visible to everyone even if they are not given specific permissions at the organization or product level in SwaggerHub.

You are responsible for tracking the exposure of private APIs in your public products.


It is not possible to nest under an API.

Unlink API from Product


This action unlinks an API only from the selected portal product. It does not remove the API from SwaggerHub.

To unlink an API from a product:

  1. On the home screen, select Manage Content next to the product.

  2. In the API list, select the vertical ellipsis button next to the API.

  3. Select Unlink.

The selected API version is unlinked from the product.

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