Manage Documentation

Create New Page

To create a new page:

  1. On the home screen, select Manage Content next to the product.

  2. Click the plus button next to the table of contents.

  3. Select Add Page.

  4. Enter a page name in the Name text field.

  5. Select Create Page.

A blank page is opened in the document editor window.

Delete Page

To delete a page:

  1. On the home screen, select Manage Content next to the product.

  2. Select the vertical ellipsis button next to the page title.

  3. Select Delete.

The page is deleted from the documentation.

Rename Page

To rename a page:

  1. On the home screen, select Manage Content next to the product.

  2. Select the vertical ellipsis button next to the page name.

  3. Select Rename.

  4. Enter the new name for the page.

  5. Click Rename.

The page name is updated.

Add Subpage

To add a subpage:

  1. On the home screen, select Manage Content next to the product.

  2. Select the vertical ellipsis button next to the page title.

  3. Select Add Subpage.

  4. Enter the name for the subpage.

  5. Click Create Subpage.

A blank subpage is opened in the document editor window.

Learn more about nesting here.

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