Monitor Data Fields

Last modified on July 26, 2024

This topic describes the monitor configuration fields that are available through the AlertSite JSON API. You can use these fields when adding or editing monitors, and they are included in the API response when you query monitor information.

All field names and values are case-sensitive.

Note that the API returns all numeric values as strings:

  "interval": "15",
  "timeout": "60",

However, when adding or editing monitors you can use specify numeric values as either numbers or strings:

  "interval": 15,
  "timeout": "60"

Note: Some monitor configuration settings are not available through the API. See Limitations for a list of unavailable settings.
Field Name Description Supported for monitors
DéjàClick Selenium SoapUI API endpoint Other


A monitor-specific alert note. Up to 1000 characters, longer notes will be truncated.







An array of assertions used to validate the response body of the API call. For example:

"assertions": [
    "source": "Response",
    "property": null,
    "comparison": "does not contain",
    "value": "error"
    "source": "JSON Response",
    "property": "[0].title",
    "comparison": "equals",
    "value": "The Lord of the Rings"




The source of the value verified by this assertion:

  • Response – entire response body.

  • JSON Response – a specific field in a JSON response.

  • XML Response – a node or attribute in an XML response.

  • Timeout – the maximum allowed response time, in seconds, up to three decimal places. For example, 0.25.

  • Status Code – the HTTP status code of the response. This status is compared against a comma-separated list of valid or invalid status codes.

  • Header – a response header.




If source=Response, Timeout or Status Code, this is null.

If source=JSON Response, this is a JSONPath expression that specifies the JSON field being verified, such as[0].title.

If source=XML Response, this is an XPath expression that specifies the XML node or attribute being verified, such as //user[@id='12345']/name.

If source=Header, this is the name (case-insensitive) of an HTTP response header, such as Content-Type.




The type of the comparison to perform. The possible values are as follows:

If source=Response:

  • contains
  • does not contain
  • regular expression includes
  • regular expression excludes

If source=JSON Response or XML Response:

  • equals
  • count
  • exists
  • does not exist
  • regular expression includes
  • regular expression excludes

If source=Timeout:

  • less than or equal

If source=Status Code:

  • equals
  • does not equal

If source=Header:

  • equals
  • exists
  • regular expression includes



String. The expected value for the assertion to pass. If comparison=exists or does not exist, value is an empty string "".

Regular expressions are specified as strings ("Hello.*There!") rather than regular expression literals (/Hello.*There!/). Also, tokens like \d must be specified with double backslashes: \\d.




AlertSite billing plan for the monitor. For example, UBM-A/A (not UBM - A/A:1:50). You can see your available plans in  > Settings > Plan Details (in AlertSite UXM) or Account > Account Summary (in AlertSite 1.0).

Cannot be changed in existing monitors.

When creating new monitors, make sure to use a valid plan code that supports this monitor type. When in doubt, check which plan is used by your existing monitors and use the same plan code.







The browser used by DéjàClick monitors. Possible values:

  • CH – Google Chrome
  • FF – Mozilla Firefox

Defaults to FF if not specified when adding the monitor. Cannot be changed in existing monitors.



The Capture level option of DéjàClick, Selenium and SoapUI monitors. Possible values:

  • 0 – Disabled (default)
  • 1 – Error only
  • 2 – All actions/steps on error
  • 3 – All actions/steps
  • 4 – All events on error (DéjàClick only)
  • 5 – All events (DéjàClick only)






The Alert if objects are missing or new option. Possible values:

  • "" (empty string) – No (default)
  • 1 – Yes





The Alert if object size changes option. Possible values:

  • "" (empty string) – No (default)
  • 1 – Yes





The Report Expired SSL Certificates option of Secure Web URL monitors. Possible values:

  • Disabled
  • Expired
  • 1 Day
  • 2 Days
  • 7 Days
  • 15 Days
  • 30 Days

Defaults to Expired if not specified when adding the monitor.

An empty string ("") in the Get Monitors response means Expired.




The Continue playback on timeout option of DéjàClick monitors. Possible values:

  • 0 – No (default)
  • 1 – Yes


email Used for Roundtrip E-mail monitors. The email address used to send test emails.        



Monitor status:

  • y – Enabled
  • n – Disabled (default)







The fullpage object timeout, in seconds. Used only if interval_fullpage is different from -1.

Possible values: 0 (no timeout), 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90, 120, 150, 180, 240, 300






The ID of the primary monitoring location for the monitor. You can find the IDs of AlertSite’s global locations here. If you use private locations, you can get their IDs by using the Get Locations operation.

In the Get Monitors response, 0 means the account’s default primary location.







The Report redirects (HTTP 301/302) as errors option. Possible values:

  • "" (empty string) – No (default)
  • 1 – Yes




The Report authentication challenges (HTTP 401/403) as errors option. Possible values:

  • "" (empty string) – No (default)
  • 1 – Yes




The Use caching - Simulates a repeat visitor option. Possible values:

  • Disabled (default)
  • Enabled



The Follow redirect option. Possible values:

  • y – Yes (default)
  • n – No



HTTP method. Possible values:

  • g – GET (default)
  • p – POST
  • h – HEAD
  • c – The HTTP method is specified in the request payload. This is used for PATCH, PUT, and DELETE requests, also for GET and POST requests with custom headers.

Note that AlertSite API does not support getting or setting the request headers and payload.




http_version HTTP version: 1.0 (default) or 1.1.        


id Read-only. The monitor ID.







The monitoring interval, in minutes.

Possible values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 15, 20, 30, 60, 120.







How often to measure fullpage response time for the monitored site or transaction.

Possible values: -1 (disabled), 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 15, 20, 60, 120.

This value must be a multiple of interval. For example, if interval is 10, interval_fullpage can be 10, 20, 30, 60, 120.





If resolve_dns is y, ip_address is read-only and returns the IP address that your site resolved to when the monitor was created.

If resolve_dns is n, ip_address must specify the IP address to monitor. url is not used in this case.




The Finding this keyword is an error option (or Invert match in AlertSite 1.0). Possible values:

  • Disabled (default)
  • Enabled



Specifies whether keyword_string contains plain text or a regular expression. Possible values:

  • Plain Text (default)
  • Regular Expression



The word, phrase or regular expression to find on the monitored web page.

Regular expressions must be specified as strings ("Hello.*There!") rather than regular expression literals (/Hello.*There!/). Also, tokens like \d must be specified with double backslashes: \\d.




An array of monitoring locations used by the monitor. Each location is specified by ID and (in the Get Monitors response) by name. You can find the IDs of AlertSite’s global locations here. If you use private locations, you can get their IDs by using the Get Locations operation.

When adding or editing monitors, locations should be used together with home_location. home_location is automatically considered part of the locations array, so there is no need to repeat it inside locations. For example, the following are equivalent:

  "home_location": 10,
  "locations": [
    { "id": 10 },
    { "id": 20 }

  "home_location": 10,
  "locations": [
    { "id": 20 }







The monitoring mode used for the monitor:

  • G – Global Notify
  • I – Primary
  • R – Round Robin
  • U – SLA (MultiPOP)
  • V – Global Verify







The number of locations per interval when using rotated locations, or 0 if rotated locations are not used.

For example, to set the Global Verify mode with rotated locations and 2 locations per interval, use:

  "mode": "V",
  "home_location": 10,
  "locations": [
    { "id": 10 },
    { "id": 20 },
    { "id": 52 },
    { "id": 63 }
  "monitor_location_count": 2,

To disable rotated locations, set monitor_location_count to 0.






name The monitor name. When adding or editing monitors, the name should not contain characters " ' \.







A monitor-specific dashboard note. Up to 1000 characters, longer notes will be truncated.







The Alert on content change option. Possible values:

  • y – Yes
  • n – No (default)





Whether availability alerts are enabled for this monitor. Possible values: y, n.

If omitted when adding a monitor, defaults to the value specified by Enable alerts in your account settings.







The Alert on page asset errors option. Used only if fullpage monitoring is enabled (that is, interval_fullpage is different from -1). Possible values:

  • "" (empty string) – No (default)
  • 1 – Yes




pop3_hostname The POP3 Server option of Roundtrip E-mail monitors. This is the address of the POP3 server that the mail will be read from.        


port The custom port number used by the monitored site, or an empty string if a standard port is used. Typical ports are 80 for HTTP and 443 for HTTPS.        


realm_userid and realm_password

The optional user name and password for authentication. Only used for website URL, API endpoint, FTP and email monitors.

Existing passwords are returned as <hidden> for security reasons.





The Resolve DNS option. Possible values:

  • y – Yes (default). In this case AlertSite monitors the url, and ip_address returns the IP address that your site resolved to when the monitor was created.

  • n – No. In this case AlertSite monitors the specified ip_address instead of the url.




The contents of the DéjàClick script, Selenium JAR file or SoapUI XML project file. For DéjàClick and SoapUI monitors, this is the file contents as plain text with the JSON encoding applied. For Selenium monitors, this is the base64-encoded contents of the JAR file. See Add Monitor for examples of how this field is encoded.

The Get Monitor response includes this field only if the show_scripts=1 parameter is used.





The monitor type. Possible values:






smtp_hostname The SMTP server address used by Roundtrip E-mail monitors to send the test email message. If left blank, the email is sent from the AlertSite mail server.        


step_timeout The Browser timeout option, in seconds. Possible values: 1 to 300.



test_case The name of a SoapUI test case used by the monitor. Can be updated by the Edit Monitor operation.    


test_suite The name of a SoapUI test suite used by the monitor. Can be updated by the Edit Monitor operation.    



The monitor timeout, in seconds, or the step timeout (for DéjàClick and Selenium monitor only).

Possible values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 20, 25, 45, 60, 75, 90, 120, 150, 180, 240, 300.







The TCP traceroute on network error option. Possible values:

  • y – Yes (default)
  • n – No
  • l – Log only




transaction_steps_allowed Read-only. The maximum number of steps per DéjàClick transaction, Selenium script or SoapUI test allowed by your AlertSite billing plan. The limit is 5 in AlertSite Community and Pro, and 50 on most Enterprise plans.




url The URL or domain to monitor.      



See Also

AlertSite JSON API

Highlight search results