Manage Team Members

Role types

Your team members have one of the following roles:

  • User - has permissions to run tests, manage projects and test runs

  • Admin - has User permissions, plus permissions to invite other users and appoint other admins

  • Owner - has Admin permissions, and has their email permanently associated with the organization's subscriptions


The Owner can only be changed by contacting your SmartBear sales representative.

Invite team members

Only team members with Admin and Owner roles have permissions to invite team members:

  1. Click Account.

    A screenshot of the VisualTest home page with the Account section indicated.
  2. Click Invitations.

    A screenshot of the VisualTest Account section with the Invitations section indicated.
  3. Click Invite User and complete the required fields.

    Invited team members will receive an email with instructions on how to create a VisualTest account.

    A screenshot of the VisualTest Invitations section with the Invite User button indicated.
  4. Click the Invitations tab to keep track of invitees.

All team members joining the projects in this way have access to all those projects' test runs.

Change team members' roles

Admins and Owners can switch team members between roles.

  1. Click the Users tab.

    A screenshot of the VisualTest Users section.
  2. Expand the arrow under Roles, as shown below.

    Select role
  3. Select the required role from the menu.

See Also

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