SCM Integration for CI/CD Pipelines

Environment Variables

To ensure test runs can be sorted and identified based on SCM data, the following environment variables should be set:

  • SBVT_SCM_COMMIT_ID=<your_commit_id>

    • Description: Holds the commit ID of the code being tested.

    • Example: export SBVT_SCM_COMMIT_ID=$(git rev-parse HEAD)

  • SBVT_SCM_BRANCH=<your_branch>

    • Description: Holds the name of the branch from which the code is being fetched.

    • Example: export SBVT_SCM_BRANCH=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)

Configuration Steps

  1. Set environment variables in the CI/CD pipeline. For Git:

    export SBVT_SCM_COMMIT_ID=$(git rev-parse HEAD)
    export SBVT_SCM_BRANCH=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)
  2. Include environment variables in the TestRun configuration

    • Ensure the SBVT_SCM_COMMIT_ID and SBVT_SCM_BRANCH variables are included in your TestRun configuration file or pipeline script.

  3. Configure TestRun configuration file

    • Example TestRun configuration file: (testrun-config.yml):

        type: git
        repository: https://your-repo-url.git #Your repository link
        branch: ${SBVT_SCM_BRANCH) #Name of your branch
        commit_id: ${SBVT_SCM_COMMIT_ID} #Your commit ID
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