Selenium Java SDK

For VisualTest's page on Sonatype, go here.


  • Selenium 3+

  • Java 1.8+


  1. Create a new Java Gradle project:

    gradle init --type java-application
  2. Add VisualTest dependency into the dependency manager file. POM files and snippets are available on this Sonatype page).

  3. Import VisualTest:

    import com.smartbear.visualtest.models.CaptureResult;
    import com.smartbear.visualtest.VisualTest;
  4. Hand off your webdriver to VisualTest, replacing 'PROJECT_TOKEN' with your project token:

    FirefoxDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver(options);
    VisualTest visualTest = new VisualTest(driver, "PROJECT_TOKEN");
  5. At each point within your functional test where you want to capture an image (fullpage, viewport, or element) for regression testing, call the capture method:

    visualTest.capture("Home Page");
    visualTest.capture("Home Page Viewport", true);
    WebElement element = driver.findElement(By.className("Menu"))
    visualTest.capture("Menu", element);
  6. Once your test is complete, VisualTest adds a tile to your Test Runs screen, where you can review and accept any found image differences.


    You can have VisualTest add reporting of results to the console output, including:

    • URLs to the comparisons in the VisualTest app

    • results summaries

    See Customizing VisualTest below for more information.

Customizing VisualTest

VisualTest allows script customizations that improve the quality of your testing. This section provides ways to optimize your test scripts.

Over-ride Comparison Mode

VisualTest is set to the detailed comparison mode by default (see the Comparison Mode section for more information). You can change this setting to layout mode by going to Settings.

If your tests need a combination of detailed and layout modes, you can code a given screen capture to override what you have in Settings. Below is an example. Choose from the following options:








sensitivity (layout mode only)




VisualTest visualTest = new VisualTest(driver, "PROJECT_TOKEN");
HashMap<String, Object> options = new HashMap<String, Object>();
options.put("comparisonMode", "layout");
options.put("sensitivity", "medium");

visualTest.capture("Home Page", options);

Assign Captures to a Test Group Name

To organize your captures, assign them the same test group name by including testGroupName as a setting in the VisualTest constructor:

VisualTest visualTest = new VisualTest(driver, new HashMap<String,Object>(){{
    put("testGroupName", "YourTestGroupName");
    put("projectToken", "PROJECT_TOKEN")

Explore and manage your grouped test runs effortlessly by clicking the list view icon . Easily review and navigate through the organized test runs, all while retaining access to the detailed specifics of each individual test run.


Lazy-loading Sites

The below runs fullpage regression tests for lazy-loaded websites, setting time to elapse between scrolls. Note that the value (1000) is the number of milliseconds to wait between scrolls:

visualTest.capture("Home Page", 1000); // number is milliseconds between scrolls

For code examples that handle dynamic, moving content, see Screenshot Consistency.

Reporting in Console Output

VisualTest can print a summary of the test run results to the console, along with a link to review the results in the VisualTest app.

For this, add the following code at the end of the test:


It produces results in this format:


Assert Comparison Results

You can aggregate all passed and failed VisualTest comparisons with the following assert:

import com.smartbear.visualtest.models.TestRunResult; //import at top of file
//at end of test
TestRunResult result = visualTest.getTestRunResult();
Assert.assertEquals(result.getFailed(), 0);

The structure returned in Java is as follows:

public class TestRunResult {
    Integer passed;
    Integer failed;

Integrating Appium for Screenshot Capture

Integrating Appium for screenshot capture enhances your visual testing and documentation endeavors by providing powerful functionality to capture screenshots of mobile applications. This capability enables you to visually verify the behavior and appearance of your mobile applications across diverse devices and platforms.


Appium screenshots can only capture content visible within the application's viewport.

Below is a demonstration of how to integrate screenshot capture functionality into your Appium Java scripts:

import com.smartbear.visualtest.VisualTest;
import io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.MutableCapabilities;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;

import java.util.HashMap;

public class TestAppium {
    public void testAppium() throws Exception {
        MutableCapabilities capabilities = new MutableCapabilities();
        capabilities.setCapability("platformName", "Android");
        capabilities.setCapability("appium:automationName", "uiautomator2");
        HashMap<String, String> bitbarOptions = new HashMap<String, String>();
        bitbarOptions.put("app", <YOUR_APP_ID_ON_BITBAR>);
        bitbarOptions.put("apiKey", <YOUR_BITBAR_API_KEY>);
        bitbarOptions.put("appiumVersion", "2.1");
        bitbarOptions.put("project", <YOUR_PROJECT_NAME>);
        bitbarOptions.put("testrun", <YOUR_TESTRUN_NAME>);
        bitbarOptions.put("device", <SELECTED_DEVICE>);
        capabilities.setCapability("bitbar:options", bitbarOptions);

        AppiumDriver driver = new AndroidDriver(new URL(""), capabilities);

        VisualTest visualTest = new VisualTest(driver, new HashMap<String, Object>(){{
            put("projectToken", <YOUR_PROJECT_TOKEN>);
            put("testRunName", "Viewport Test: Appium");

        visualTest.capture("homepage", true);
    public void tearDown() {
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {

To integrate screenshot capture into mobile automation using Appium, adhere to the following sequence within your script:

  1. Import Libraries: Import essential libraries like Appium and unittest.

  2. Define Capabilities: Define the capabilities needed to tailor the Appium driver for Android devices, ensuring integration and BitBar compatibility.

  3. Initialize Driver: Start your automation by initializing the Appium driver with the capabilities you've defined, setting the stage for smooth interactions with your mobile application.

  4. Terminate Session: Ensure a conclusion to your tests by using the tearDown method to properly wrap up the driver session, maintaining the integrity of your testing environment.

  5. Capture Screenshots: Capture screenshots of your application's key moments using the testAppium method with VisualTest, which helps you detect visual issues and enrich your test reports for comprehensive documentation.

By incorporating Appium's screenshot capture functionality into your automation scripts, you can enhance the effectiveness of your mobile testing efforts and ensure the visual integrity of your applications across various devices and platforms.


Accessibility Testing

Below you can find SDK code snippet Accessibility examples for Selenium Java SDK.

Here's the list of the supported WCAG tags:

'wcag2a', 'wcag2aa', 'wcag2aaa', 'wcag21a', 'wcag21aa', 'wcag22aa', 'best-practice', 'wcag2a-obsolete', 'ACT', 'section508', 'TTv5', 'EN-301-549', 'experimental', 'wcag***', 'section508.*.*', 'TT*.*', 'EN-9.*', 'cat.*'

Selenium Java SDK Accessibility

When setting up your project, in VisualTest visualTest = new VisualTest(driver, "PROJECT_TOKEN"); add either put("wcagTags", "wcag2aa"); or put("wcagTags", Arrays.asList("wcag2a", "wcag2aa"));, so the code would look either like this:

VisualTest visualTest = new VisualTest(driver, new HashMap<String,Object>(){{
    put("wcagTags", "wcag2aa");
    put("projectToken", "PROJECT_TOKEN")

Or like this:

VisualTest visualTest = new VisualTest(driver, new HashMap<String,Object>(){{
    put("wcagTags", Arrays.asList("wcag2a", "wcag2aa"));
    put("projectToken", "PROJECT_TOKEN")

See Also

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