Private Node Server Version History

Last modified on July 26, 2024

Below are the release notes for AlertSite private locations – Private Node Server (virtual appliances) and InSite (hardware appliances).

Private Node Server 3.5.2

  • Updated Mozilla Firefox to versions 91, 78, 52.

  • Updated Google Chrome to versions 99, 85, 74.

  • DejaClick Chrome version upgraded to CH,,

  • DejaClick Firefox version upgraded to FF,,

  • Added MFA SMS functionality.

Note: MFA API support, different monitor node baseline from 3.5.0 and 3.5.1 and from 3.5.1, additional console config for AD SSO and same monitor node baseline as 3.5.0.

Private Node Server 3.4

  • Private Node Server now comes bundled with two versions of the SoapUI monitor runner - TestEngine: 1.23 / 1.7 and ReadyAPI: 1.9 / 1.1.

  • DejaClick Chrome version upgraded to CH,

  • DejaClick Firefox version upgraded to FF,

  • Mitigated log4j vulnerability.

  • Updated firewall.

Private Node Server 3.3.1

  • Updated alertAPI code (brings Custom Property to alert payloads).

Note: Released for Federated Insurance, can be provided to other customers wishing to use Custom Property alerting functionality.

Private Node Server 3.3

  • Updated Mozilla Firefox to versions 78, 52.

  • Updated Google Chrome to version 85, 74.

  • Update to include new Browsers/DejaClick/Browser switching.

  • Optimized configuration of playback agents to align with monitor configuration.

  • Enhanced real-time configuration updates.

Private Node Server 3.2.3

  • DejaClick Chrome Version upgraded to 2.12.

  • Improved registration logic and updated ReadyAPI license.

Note: New VMs can now be distributed as 3.2.3. Trials and net new Private Node customers should use this version.

Private Node Server 3.1

  • Private Node Server now comes bundled with two versions of the SoapUI monitor runner - TestEngine: 1.7 and ReadyAPI: 1.9 / 1.1.

  • DejaClick Chrome version updated to 74 (

  • Improved server health metrics and S3 connectivity.

Private Node Server 3.0

  • The Ubuntu kernel has been updated to ver. 18.04 LTS.

  • Support for the $MONITOR_NOTE variable in JSON alerts templates.

  • Updated Google Chrome to version 74.

  • Improved proxy server functionality. JSON, ServiceNow, PagerDuty and other alerts now use the proxy settings.

Private Node Server 2.1.5

  • The Ubuntu kernel has been updated to ver. 3.13.0-164.214, which addresses the L1 Terminal Fault vulnerability.

  • DéjàClick playback improvements.

  • Control Panel branding updates.

Private Node Server 2.1.4

Any Private Node Server running version 2.1.0 can be updated directly to 2.1.4 via the Manage Location > Upgrade Software menu. To ensure the best experience, please reboot your Private Node Server after the update has completed.

Private Node Server 2.1.3

  • Proxy support for DéjàClick. When running on private nodes, DéjàClick monitors will use the system proxy settings configured in the private node’s Control Panel.

  • Support for automatic daily captures for successful monitor runs.

  • A new System Utilization screen in the Control Panel displays your private node system utilization: CPU, disk and memory usage, and the usage of Firefox, Chrome, and Selenium browser profiles.

  • Updated Firefox to version 52.

  • Updated Ubuntu kernel to which includes security update USN-3594-1 to mitigate the Spectre Variant 2 vulnerability (CVE-2017-5715).

Private Node Server 2.1.2

  • Support for JSON alerts and alerting integrations based on JSON alerts, such as Slack and VictorOps.

  • Support for centralized certificate management. Client-side SSL certificates uploaded to AlertSite and assigned to your monitors will now be automatically installed to private locations. Earlier versions of Private Node Server required contacting Support to install client certificates.

    Note: If you previously had custom certificates installed on your private node, do the following after upgrading to v. 2.1.2:

    • Upload the certificates to AlertSite.

    • Edit your monitors and select the appropriate SSL Certificate for each monitor.

    The certificates will be automatically installed to your private node.

  • Monitoring data is now sent to the AlertSite platform every minute instead of every 10 minutes.

  • The built-in software upgrade procedure now preserves the private node registration and network configuration (proxy, DNS, and static IP). This will work both when upgrading from 2.1.0 to 2.1.2 and from 2.1.2 to later versions.

  • Updated Ubuntu kernel to 3.13.0-139-generic which includes a security update to mitigate the Meltdown vulnerability (CVE-2017-5754).

    We are unable to patch Private Node Server versions prior to 2.1. If you use an earlier version, please contact your Customer Success Manager to discuss upgrade options.

The 2.1.2 release is available both as a standalone VM image and via the built-in software upgrade on 2.1.0 VMs.

Private Node Server 2.1

  • Private Node Server now comes bundled with two versions of the SoapUI monitor runner –ReadyAPI 1.9 and ReadyAPI 1.1. You can choose the version to be used in the private node’s Control Panel, under Configure Settings > SoapUI Version. The currently used version is displayed on the main page of the Control Panel.

  • Proxy configuration now allows host names in addition to IP addresses.

  • The browser screen size increased to 1280×1024 for DéjàClick Firefox monitors. The browser size is now the same for both Firefox and Chrome monitors.

  • New console menu accessible from the VM hypervisor allows you to configure a static IP address, reset web interface password and reboot the private node without using the web interface. The console menu also displays the private node’s IP address and web interface URL.

  • New software upgrade tool lets you install software updates directly from the Control Panel, without having to replace the VM. You can check for or install the updates by using the Manage InSite Location > Upgrade Software menu of the Control Panel.

Private Node Server 2.0.2

  • A new diagnostic screen Connection Tests lets you test the connectivity to all AlertSite endpoints and ports required for proper functioning of Private Node Server. Tests are performed using the network parameters configured on this private node, including proxy servers.

  • Control panel home screen for non-registered nodes now has same information as for registered nodes.

  • The control panel UI now has blue colors to match the style of AlertSite 1.0.

Private Node Server 2.0.1

  • Amazon AMI image is now available in all US regions, not just Oregon.

Private Node Server 2.0

  • New VM types: Hyper-V and AMI (Amazon EC2) now join VMware.

  • Support for real-browser Chrome monitors.

  • Support for Selenium monitors.

  • Support for PagerDuty and Splunk alerts.

  • A single, scalable VM image per hypervisor type (instead of different images for the VMNODE-25, VMNODE-50 and VMNODE-100 plans). The default configuration is 4GB RAM, 2 CPU – suitable for 12 monitors.

  • Flexible deployment:

    • Monitor limits are no longer tied to the VM itself
    • Monitors can be deployed across any number of VMs, as long as the total number of monitors purchased within a VM plan type (25/50/100) is not exceeded
  • Configuration by monitor types:

    • 3 modes: auto, extended, maximized
    • Modes are automatically set upon restart based on the monitor configuration
  • HTTPS access to the web interface (control panel).

    Note: Private Node Server uses a self-signed certificate that may cause a warning in browsers. You can avoid the warning by installing your own SSL certificate on the VM. See SSL Certificate.
  • Changed the default login and password from admin/password to insiteadm/1nSitePa$$.

  • Updated the Firefox browser from version 24 to 38.

InSite 1.6.3

  • Updated SoapUI test runner from SoapUI 4.5 to ReadyAPI 1.1.0.

  • Updated DéjàClick to v.

  • Support for TLS 1.1 and 1.2 on DéjàClick Firefox transactions.

InSite 1.6.1

  • Maintenance release.

InSite 1.6.0

  • Updated Firefox to version ESR 24.

  • Updated DéjàClick to v.

  • Access to new features for DéjàClick Firefox transactions:

  • Additional notification template options.

  • Fixed notification group race condition error.

  • Prevent corruption in data pull due to encoding.

InSite 1.5

  • InSite Site Plans can be selected for SoapUI monitors.

    • SoapUI monitors with Usage-Based Monitoring Site Plans can select InSite locations for monitoring along with AlertSite locations.

    • SoapUI monitors with an InSite Plan do not require Test On Demand run in order to be enabled.

  • InSite Site Plans can be selected for transactions with ContentViews.

    • Transactions with ContentViews using Usage-Based Monitoring Site Plans can select InSite locations for monitoring along with AlertSite locations.

  • InSite Site Plans can be selected for transactions recorded as a simulated Mobile Device.

    • Mobile-Device transactions using Usage-Based Monitoring Site Plans can select InSite locations for monitoring along with AlertSite locations.

InSite 1.4.1

  • Maintenance release.

  • “Duplicate column name” errors displayed during upgrade are expected and can be ignored. These messages will occur if the current version already contains the database table being added in the upgrade.

InSite 1.4

  • Remote Support Access status corrected in Control Panel (stale PID file removed).

  • Allow unregistered InSite to request Remote Support.

  • ServerAgent registration Exit Code 2 fixed.

  • Out of memory condition caused by Java plugin fixed.

  • Recovery of ServerAgent from unknown state.

  • Correct handling of alerts from inactive InSite location.

  • Database added to support subaccount visibility in Configuration: InSite Locations screen.

  • Fixed error messages displayed during mail relay host configuration update.

InSite 1.3.1

  • Database glitch caused an interruption of notifications. Quick patch v. 1.3.1 fixed this issue. Version 1.3.0 must be installed first, then v. 1.3.1.

InSite 1.3.0

  • InSite Control Panel provides an overview of monitoring activity and configuration settings.

  • Improved navigation though the Control Panel with menus linking to all functions.

  • Improved configuration through the Control Panel Network Configuration menu – replaces text based script in separately attached monitor.

    • Network Configuration

    • Proxy Settings

    • Email Configuration

    • NTP Configuration

    • Network Search Directives supported in Advanced Network Configuration menu

    • Multiple Nameservers supported in Advanced Network Configuration menu

  • Enhanced ability to maintain the InSite appliance.

    • InSite Control Panel:

      • Additional information given while handlingReboot InSite Device and Reset to Factory Defaults.

      • Better verification that the InSite location is active and working successfully.

      • Additional information given while registering and enabling ServerAgent monitors.

    • AlertSite Console:

      • Configuration: InSite Locations screen includes the number of used and available monitors for each InSite location.

      • Easier selection of specific InSite locations for assigning monitors when multiple InSite locations are available.

  • Customer Testing – enable standard AlertSite testing features on the InSite appliance.

    • Send test notifications from the InSite mail/notification system.

See Also

Private Node Server Overview
InSite Hardware Appliance

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