AlertSite Status Codes

Last modified on July 26, 2024

AlertSite monitors respond with status codes to let you know how things are going. Any status other than 0 indicates the site was unreachable, experiencing errors, or the request did not return the expected results. There is one retry for every test that fails.

General status codes

Code Status Description
0 Site responded normally
to all tests

Your test has run successfully.

Note: The displayed console status is adjusted to 0 when remote verification of an error returns success. The status shown in reports is not similarly adjusted.

1 TCP connection failed

We were unable to establish an Internet connection to your site. You will see this message appear when your firewall is blocking traffic to your site, or if your site is just not accepting any TCP/IP traffic.

You can check the following:

  • Your site may be overloaded.

  • Your site may not be running.

  • A firewall may be preventing connections to your site.

2 Test timed out There was no response from your server within your selected timeout interval. This usually indicates that your system is very busy and experiencing a slow down. If things look normal, you will need to increase your timeout interval.
3 Invalid response from server

This is a protocol error, meaning the server did not provide an appropriate response. It usually means a system problem with your server.

Another possibility is that the server requires a client-side SSL certificate to access it. In this case, the certificate needs to be installed in AlertSite monitoring locations for the monitor to work.

If you use a web URL, API or real-browser DéjàClick monitor::

  1. Upload your certificate to AlertSite and assign it to your monitor. To learn how to do that, see Using SSL Certificates and Java Keystores.

  2. Run a test on demand to verify the connectivity using the certificate.

5 Keyword
verification error within
returned page
Your monitoring test requires a specific text keyword, image, or JavaScript result that was not found. This error generally indicates that your site is not responding with the expected page content and should be checked. If everything looks OK, you should review the validation(s) that you have specified for the page.
6 No response from server While attempting to communicate with your site, we received no response at all. This usually indicates that your site is down.
7 HTTP error
from web server
While communicating with your site, we received an HTTP status code from your web server that indicates some unexpected event. For more information about HTTP status codes, see
8 Web site is redirected
Many web pages are redirected to an alternate page or to another site altogether. In this case, however, you specified that AlertSite should Report redirects (HTTP 301/302) as errors and your site is now redirecting users to a different page. You should find out why the redirect is happening. If this is OK, you can turn off the option to report these as errors.
9 Ping failed
(site is not responding)
After your site has returned a status code of 1 or 2, we will perform a “last-ditch” ping request if you have selected that option. Ping is a low-level test to determine if your server is reachable and the results indicate that there is a problem connecting to your site.
51 Unable to resolve
IP address
Our DNS servers failed to resolve your domain name to an IP address.
90 Unexpected
processing exception occurred

The location selected to run the test could not schedule a run at the requested time due to insufficient resources. If the problem persists, please contact Support.

Status 90 does not trigger alerts and does not affect monitor availability, because there was no actual test.

95 Unable to
monitor from chosen station

The location selected to run the test did not have an available slot to run the test at that moment. This condition should clear up shortly, but if it persists, please contact Support.

Status 95 does not trigger alerts and does not affect monitor availability, because there was no actual test.

99 Unable to ping
from location

One of your AlertSite monitoring locations is experiencing temporary network issues and is unable to run ping tests. If the problem persists, please contact Support.

Selenium status codes

Code Status Description
20 Selenium-specific error Selenium script finished with an exit code other than 0. Depending on how your script is designed, this could mean that some specific text or element was not found on a page, a page could not be loaded, or an assertion failed. Look for any errors in the Selenium run log. If everything looks OK, review your Selenium script to make sure it works as intended.
21 Selenium startup error

Selenium script could not be started. Possible reasons:

  • The JAR file is not runnable (does not contain a main method and a manifest with Main-Class).

  • The JAR file does not have Selenium libraries or other required libraries embedded in it.

  • The script uses an unsupported browser. AlertSite only supports Firefox and Chrome browsers. Selenium 1.0 and Selenium Grid are not supported.

To learn how to prepare a JAR file for use with AlertSite, see:

Note: Status 21 does not trigger alerts and does not affect monitor availability, because there was no actual test.

Browser timeout status codes

Code Status Description
80 Browser event
timeout encountered

While running a multi-step transaction on your site, a non-network event timeout interval was reached. This message appears if browser-related events are not received when expected and the transaction step has timed out. Such timeouts may occur while waiting for:

  • The overall page to load
  • An expected URL location change
  • A response to a replayed browser event
  • Start or completion of dynamic page content changes

Event timeouts could indicate significant site content changes. You should download and replay your transaction to examine the results. You should also review your transaction’s step timeout setting in the monitor settings. If your site’s content has changed significantly, you will need to re-record your transaction.

82 Page took too long
to load

While running a multi-step transaction, the event time limit was exceeded. The browser informs DéjàClick about Page Load progress with different notifications, for example, base page has been transferred, all objects have been transferred, Ajax activity is in progress, and so on. DéjàClick compares these notifications with those encountered during recording in order to determine if the page has finished loading. If the browser does not notify DéjàClick that the page load was complete, then DéjàClick will report that the page took too long to load.

For more information on how to fix status 82 errors, see these articles:

83 Firefox event notification
did not occur
While running a multi-step transaction on your site, an event was injected into the browser, but we could not verify that the event was successfully replayed. This could indicate significant site content changes. You should download and replay your transaction to examine the results. You should also review your transaction’s step timeout in the monitor settings. If your site’s content has changed significantly, you will need to re-record your transaction.
84 Page location
did not change
when expected

While running a multi-step transaction on your site, a location or URL change was expected but did not occur. This could indicate significant site content changes. You should download and replay your transaction to examine the results. You should also review your transaction’s timeout settings in the monitor settings. If your site’s content has changed significantly, you will need to re-record your transaction.

For more information on how to fix status 84 errors, see this article:

85 Expected page updates
did not occur

While running a multi-step transaction on your site, dynamic page changes (for example, through Ajax, JavaScript, and so on) were expected but did not occur. This could indicate significant site content changes. You should download and replay your transaction to examine the results. You should also review your transaction’s timeout settings in the monitor settings. If your site’s content has changed significantly, you will need to re-record your transaction.

For more information on how to fix status 85 errors, see this article:

86 Network activity
did not stop
While running a multi-step transaction on your site, network activity did not stop after the page was loaded. This could indicate significant site content changes. You should download and replay your transaction to examine the results. You should also review your transaction’s timeout settings in the monitor settings. If your site’s content has changed significantly, you will need to re-record your transaction.
89 Internal browser timeout

While running a multi-step transaction on your site, we encountered an internal browser timeout. Please contact Support about this issue.

Additional transaction status codes

Code Status Description
81 Maximum transaction time was exceeded While running a multi-step transaction on your site, the overall time limit was exceeded. You will need to re-record your transaction with fewer actions or events.
87 Browser was closed

While running a multi-step transaction on your site, the browser has closed unexpectedly. Please contact Support about this issue.

91 Minimum match score not met While running a multi-step transaction on your site, the minimum match score you specified for use when searching for target page elements was not met. Generally, low match scores may indicate significant site content changes. You should download and replay your transaction to examine the results. If the results are OK, you can edit or disable the minimum match score in the recorder using the Script Properties or Event Properties panels and re-upload your transaction. If your site’s content has changed significantly, you will need to re-record your transaction.
92 Maximum number of skipped events exceeded While running a multi-step transaction on your site, the number of skipped events encountered has reached the limit you specified. This may indicate significant site content changes. You should download and replay your transaction to examine the results. If the results are OK, you can edit or disable the maximum number of skipped events in the recorder using the Script Properties panel and re-upload your transaction. If your site’s content has changed significantly, you will need to re-record your transaction.
93 Missing instruction for dialog prompt

While running a multi-step transaction on your site, a dialog prompt was encountered for which there were no instructions available to use as a response. This may indicate that your site has encountered an error condition or it has changed. You should download and replay your transaction to examine results. If the new dialog prompt is OK, you will need to add or modify instructions for handling the dialog in the recorder using the Event Properties panel and re-upload your transaction. You will need to re-record your transaction to add the missing prompt instructions automatically.

For a step-by-step tutorial, see this article:

94 Maximum transaction steps exceeded

While running a multi-step transaction on your site, we used more steps than are allowed by your billing plan. You can either record a new transaction or purchase more steps.

To purchase more steps, contact your account representative or Contact Us.

96 Unable to parse transaction XML

Applicable to real-browser and mobile web monitors (DéjàClick):

When reported from private locations (Private Node Server or InSite), error 96 means that the transaction uses a feature not supported by this Private Node Server or InSite. For example, Private Node Server versions before 2.0 do not support Chrome transactions. InSite versions before 1.6 do not support branching.

In other cases, error 96 may mean a corrupted transaction file. If the problem persists, please contact Support.

Applicable to BitBar monitors:

We were unable to fetch test run execution results from BitBar If the problem persists, please contact Support.

97 Target page element was not found The target page element (such as a button, text box, image, link, or iframe) could not be found in the content. For a TrueScreen event, this could also mean that the target element was present but the target coordinates were not within the visible bounds of the page (missing or out-of-bounds). This error generally indicates that your site is not responding with the expected page content. If your site’s content has changed significantly, you will need to re-record your transaction.

Verification and notification status codes

Code Status Description
70 Remote verification did not detect an error.
No alert generated.
An error was detected at your site, but the test was successful from a different Internet monitoring location. This generally indicates that the problem is due to isolated Internet traffic problems, rather than anything at your site.
71 Remote verification confirmed an error.
Alert is generated.
An error was detected at your site and the same test is also failing from different Internet monitoring location(s). This generally indicates that there is a problem at your site. This error message will include another status code indicating the precise problem.
72 Remote verification response not received.
Alert is generated.
An error was detected at your site but AlertSite was not able to perform the same test from a different Internet monitoring location. This generally indicates a problem with Internet traffic.
73 Remote verification response was invalid. Alert is generated An error was detected at your site but AlertSite was not able to perform the same test from a different Internet monitoring location. This generally indicates a problem with Internet traffic.
79 Remote verification unavailable. Alert is generated. An error was detected at your site but AlertSite was not able to perform the same test from a different Internet monitoring location. This generally indicates a problem with Internet traffic.
98 Notification (alert) was generated. This status code is used to record the fact that an alert was actually sent to one of your registered recipients.

Round Robin and SLA-related status codes

The following code applies to monitors with Monitoring Mode set to SLA (MultiPOP) or Round Robin, or if rotated locations are used.

Code Status Description
9095 Unable to run test from chosen monitoring location

One of your AlertSite monitoring locations is not available but should be shortly. If the problem persists, please contact Support.

Private location status codes

The following status codes are used by private node connectivity alerts and ServerAgent to alert about potential issues that require attention.

Code Status Description
4030 Warning threshold exceeded for monitor One of the items being measured by your ServerAgent has passed the level you specified as a Warning.
4040 Error threshold exceeded for monitor One of the items being measured by your ServerAgent has passed the level you specified as an Error.
4050 Reported results were not received when expected One of your private monitoring locations stopped sending data to AlertSite. This can happen if the location lost connection to the AlertSite platform, or it might have stopped functioning. Make sure the location is up and running and can connect to AlertSite. See Troubleshooting Private Locations for some tips.

If you use ServerAgent to monitor the location health, this means that the ServerAgent is not running and should be restarted.

4059 Ping failed (server not reporting) After your site has reached status code 4050, we will perform a “last-ditch” ping request if you have selected that option. Ping is a low-level test to determine if your server is reachable and the results indicate that there is a problem connecting to your site.

BitBar status codes

AlertSite monitors can report four-digit status codes beginning with 5.

Code Status Description
50XX BitBar specific error Status codes with format 50XX indicate that an error occurred while processing BitBar results. The last 2 digits (XX) are interpreted using other AlertSite status codes.
5081 Maximum transaction time was exceeded

There was no BitBar device available within the default timeout interval. This usually indicates that the system is busy.

We recommend that you use dedicated devices reserved solely for your use. To purchase dedicated devices, contact BitBar Sales.

5300 Service execution error There was a problem running your BitBar script. To view the error message, go to Monitors > Runs, expand the failed run, and click  Request Log.

SoapUI status codes

SoapUI monitors can report four-digit status codes starting with 6.

Status codes in the 65XX series indicate failed assertions in your SoapUI project. This usually means a problem with your API, such as incorrect data in the response. It may also happen if your API has changed recently – in this case, you need to update the SoapUI project to match the current state of the API.

Detailed assertion results (expected and actual values, error messages, and so on) can be found:

Code Status SoapUI Assertion Type Description
60XX SoapUI error Status codes with format 60XX indicate that an error occurred while processing SoapUI results. The last 2 digits (XX) are interpreted using other AlertSite status codes. For example, 6007 would indicate an HTTP error found by SoapUI.
6060 SoapUI: SoapUI specific error

6060 as a monitor status indicates a SoapUI test failure. See the SoapUI step results to understand where exactly the error is.

6060 as a step status can mean a generic step error (such as the target URL was not found), or an error in Groovy scripts.

6061 SoapUI: SoapUI startup error

While attempting to run a SoapUI test, the SoapUI test runner encountered an error that caused a premature exit. If the problem persists, please contact Support.

Note: Status 6061 does not trigger alerts and does not affect monitor availability, because there was no actual test.

6501 Property Validation Failed Equals The API returned a different response than expected.
6502 Binary Validation Failed Equals Binary The API returned a different binary response than expected.
6503 Complex Validation Failed Message Content The API response or specific elements in the response are different than expected.
6510 HTTP Download Failed HTTP Download All Resources When downloading a web page with all its resources (images, scripts, CSS files, and so on), we could not load some resources. For example, they may have been deleted from the server, or the connection timed out.
6511 HTTP Header Exists Failed HTTP Header Exists The API response is missing an expected HTTP header.
6512 HTTP Header Equals Failed HTTP Header Equals One of the response headers has a different value than expected.
6520 JDBC Status Error JDBC Status A database SQL query or a stored procedure returned an error. You can review the error in the SoapUI log that is attached to email alerts (if recipients have Attach screen capture enabled) or included in run captures (if the transaction has Capture Level set).
6521 JDBC Timeout JDBC Timeout

A database SQL query or a stored procedure took longer than the configured timeout. This usually means that your system is busy and experiencing a slowdown. If things look normal, you need to either:

  • Optimize the query or stored procedure to improve its performance.

  • Update the Query Timeout property of the test step in your SoapUI project.

6530 JMS Status Error JMS Status A JMS request completed with an error. You can review the error in the SoapUI log that is attached to email alerts (if recipients have Attach screen capture enabled) or included in run captures (if the transaction has Capture Level set).
6531 JMS Timeout JMS Timeout There was no response from your JMS endpoint within the configured timeout. This usually means that your system is busy and experiencing a slowdown. If things look normal, you need to increase the JMS timeout in the assertion configuration in your SoapUI project.
6540 JsonPathCount Failed JsonPath Count A specific element is missing from the JSON response, or appears an incorrect number of times.
6541 JsonPathExistence Match Failed JsonPath Existence Match The JSON response from your API is missing some expected element.
6542 JsonPathMatch Failed JsonPath Match One of the elements in the JSON response has a different value than expected.
6544 JsonPathRegEx Match Failed JsonPath RegEx Match A specific value in the JSON response does not match the expected pattern specified by a regular expression.
6550 Script Assertion Error Script Assertion The value checked by Script Assertion differs from the expected value.
6560 Sensitive Information Exposure Sensitive Information Exposure Your server response reveals system information that can be misused by hackers. For example, a web server version, detailed application error traces in responses, internal database messages, and so on. We recommend that you update your server configuration to suppress this information.
6570 SLA Timeout Response SLA

The API response time exceeded the SLA limit configured in the Response SLA assertion.

Note: This status is considered an availability error, so it affects your availability and uptime percentage. You may want to track your API response time separately using either performance alerts, SLA monitoring, or both. Performance alerts will notify you of slow response times, but will not affect your availability and uptime. To use this, you will need to disable Response SLA assertions in your SoapUI project.

6580 Not SOAP Fault Error Not SOAP Fault Your API returned a SOAP Fault instead of a valid response.
6581 SOAP Fault Error SOAP Fault Your API was expected to return a SOAP Fault response, but returned a non-fault response.
6582 SOAP Request Error SOAP Request A test step generated an invalid SOAP request.
6583 SOAP Response Error SOAP Response The API response is not a valid SOAP response.
6584 WS-Addressing Request Error WS-Addressing Request A test step was expected to send a SOAP request with WS-Addressing headers, but the headers are missing or not valid.
6585 WS-Addressing Response Error WS-Addressing Response The API response is missing WS-Addressing headers, or they are not valid.
6586 WS-Security Status Error WS-Security Status The API response is missing WS-Security headers, or they are not valid.
6587 Schema Compliance Error Schema Compliance The API response does not match the associated WSDL schema (for SOAP APIs) or WADL schema (for REST APIs).
6590 XPath Match Failed XPath Match An XPath query in your test returned a different result than expected.
6591 XQuery Match Failed XQuery Match An XQuery expression in your test returned a different result than expected.

Fullpage monitoring status codes

Fullpage monitors can report four-digit status codes in the 7XXX series, where the last two digits correspond to the general status codes.

Code Status Description
7001 Full Page: TCP connection failed

We were unable to establish an Internet connection to your site. You will see this message appear when your firewall is blocking traffic to your site, or if your site is just not accepting any TCP/IP traffic. You can check the following:

  • Your site may be overloaded.

  • Your site may not be running.

  • A firewall may be preventing connections to your site.

7002 Full Page: Test timed out There was no response from your server within your selected timeout interval. This usually indicates that your system is very busy and experiencing a slow down. If things look normal, you will need to increase your timeout interval.
7003 Full Page: Invalid response from server This is a protocol error. The server did not provide an appropriate response. This generally indicates a system problem with your server.
7005 Full Page: Validation failed Your monitoring test requires a specific text keyword, image, or JavaScript result that was not found. This error generally indicates that your site is not responding with the expected page content and should be checked. If everything looks OK, you should review the validation(s) that you have specified for the page.
7006 Full Page: No response from server While attempting to communicate with your site, we received no response at all. This usually indicates that your site is down.
7007 Full Page: HTTP error from web server While communicating with your site, we received an HTTP status code from your web server that indicates some unexpected event. For more information about HTTP status codes, see
7008 Full Page: Web site is redirected (warning) Many web pages are redirected to an alternate page or to another site altogether. In this case, however, you specified that AlertSite should Report redirects (HTTP 301/302) as errors and your site is now redirecting users to a different page. You should find out why the redirect is happening. If this is OK, you can turn off the option to report these as errors.
7009 Full Page: Ping failed (site is not responding) After your site has returned a status code of 1 or 2, we will perform a “last-ditch” ping request if you have selected that option. Ping is a low-level test to determine if your server is reachable and the results indicate that there is a problem connecting to your site.
7051 Full Page: Unable to resolve IP address Our DNS servers failed to resolve your domain name to an IP address.
7099 Full Page: Unable to ping from location

One of your AlertSite monitoring locations is experiencing temporary network issues and is unable to run ping tests. If the problem persists, please contact Support.

7121 Full Page: Object length changed You have chosen to be notified if any object on your Internet page has changed size.
7122 Full Page: Missing Object You have chosen to be notified if any object on your Internet page has been removed since the last test.
7123 Full Page: New object found You have chosen to be notified if any object has been added to your Internet page.
7130 Full Page: No Full Page objects found You have enabled the fullpage monitoring for your site, but our tests indicate there are no additional objects (image, JavaScript, CSS, and so on) to be retrieved for the page.
7202 Full Page: Full Page Time out While retrieving the objects for your fullpage monitoring test, the specified timeout for the entire page was exceeded.

See Also

AlertSite Documentation

Highlight search results