Function Trace Profiler Options

Applies to AQTime 8.81, last modified on January 18, 2022

The Function Trace profiler includes a number of options that work at runtime and define the specifics of profiler functioning.

You can view and modify these options in the following dialogs –

  • In the Profiler Options dialog that is displayed when you run the profiler (see Setting Profiler Options Before the Run).

  • In the Options dialog. To invoke it, select Options > Options from AQTime’s main menu. Then choose Profilers > Tracing > Function Trace Profiler from the tree on the left.In the Options dialog. To invoke it, select Tools > Options from Visual Studio’s main menu. Then choose AQTime > Profilers > Tracing > Function Trace Profiler from the tree on the left.In the Options dialog. To invoke it, select AQTime > Options from Embarcadero RAD Studio’s main menu. Then choose Profilers > Tracing > Function Trace Profiler from the tree on the left.

    You can also invoke this dialog by pressing Configure Current Profiler on the Standard toolbar when the profiler is selected.

The options are –

  • Active counter - Specifies what routine characteristic the profiler will measure. For more information on available values for this option, see Counters Overview.

  • Maximum number of fields - Specifies how many class fields should be displayed when the class instance is passed as a parameter. Default value is 10. If some fields remain that were not displayed, the value list ends with ellipsis. This option is ignored if the Maximum route depth option is set to 0 or if the area’s Retrieve parameter values property is disabled.

  • Output

    • Get trace info - Specifies whether additional trace information is collected. The information type is determined by the Active counter option. This makes it possible to display trace results in the Details, Call Tree and Call Graph panels.

    • CodeSite 1 output - Determines whether CodeSite version 1 is used to display the sequence of function calls in real time.

    • CodeSite 2/3 output - Determines whether CodeSite version 2 or 3 is used to display the sequence of function calls in real time.

    • External DLL output - If this option is selected, the profiler outputs results using a dynamic link library specified by the External DLL name option. For more information, see Output the Sequence of Function Calls Using a Custom DLL.

    • External DLL name - Specifies the full-path name of the dynamic link library, which AQTime will use to output results of the Function Trace profiler.

    • Text file output - Determines whether the Function Trace profiler will output data to text files.

    • Text output directory - The path to the folder where the text files will be created.

    • Text separator - When writing data to the text file, each function name is preceded by a separator symbol to indicate the depth of nesting. This option specifies this symbol. The following values are available: None, Space, Double space and Tabulation.

  • Result generation

    • Show multiple functions - If this option is enabled, there may be multiple function calls in the summary window. This option is ignored if the Maximum route depth option is set to 0.

    • Maximum route depth - Limits the number of function calls to be traced for each route. Default value is 0 and means that the profiler will not trace the routes. Specifying too large value may significantly slow down the profiling.

  • Thread model - Specifies how the profiler gathers statistics for threads in the profiled application. For more information on available values for this option, see Profiling Multiple Threads and Profiling COM Logical Threads.

The Function Trace profiler also includes a number of options that affect the profiler result display. They are located on the Profiler toolbar (by default, it is displayed at the top of the Report panel)(by default, it is displayed at the top of the Report panel). For information on them, see Profiler Toolbar - Function Trace Profiler Items.

See Also

Function Trace Profiler
Profiler Toolbar - Function Trace Profiler Items
Setting Profiler Options Before the Run

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