Function Trace Profiler

Applies to AQTime 8.81, last modified on January 18, 2022
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Tracing Function Calls With AQTime

The Function Trace profiler traces sequences of function calls that occur during the application run. Topics of this section provide information about the Function Trace profiler.

General Information

Function Trace Profiler - Overview

Provides general information on tracing function calls and their call characteristics in applications by using the Function Trace profiler.

Function Trace Profiler Options

Describes the profiler’s options and how they affect the profiler’s functionality and displayed profiling results.


Function Trace Profiler Tutorial

Walk through this tutorial to get started with the Function Trace profiler and learn how to use the profiler to track routine calls in your application.

Function Trace Profiler Results

Function Trace Profiler Results - Overview

Provides a brief description of results generated by the Function Trace profiler and explains how to output them to an external file or the CodeSite debugging tool.

Results of the Call Trace Category

Describes how to analyze profiling results that are grouped under the Call Trace category.

Results of the Routines Category

Describes how to analyze profiling results that are grouped under the Routines category.

Tracing Function Call Parameters and Result Values

Describes how to obtain information on in and out parameters of functions executed during the application run.

Function Trace Profiler Panels Reference

Describes the structure of the Function Trace profiler results displayed in the Report and Details panels.

Related Topics of Interest

Measure Average, Maximum and Minimum Execution Times for a Method

Describes how to find the maximum and minimum execution time of methods in your application code.

Check Parameters and Result Values of Function Calls

Describes how to learn parameter values on entering and exiting routines called in your application.

Know the Structure of Routine Calls in Your Application

Describes how to learn the structure of function calls that were made during the application execution.

Find Methods That Are Called the Most or the Least Often

Describes how to learn how often methods in your application’s code are called.

Trace Executed Functions

Describes how to learn what methods were called during the application run.

Output the Sequence of Function Calls Using a Custom DLL

Describes how to create a custom dynamic link library that processes the Function Trace profiler results.

Function Trace Profiler Results - Database Structure

Describes the structure of profiler results exported to a database.

See Also

AQTime Profilers

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