SoapUI and ReadyAPI Project Requirements for AlertSite

Last modified on March 27, 2024

When preparing ReadyAPI and SoapUI projects for monitoring, follow the guidelines outlined below.

ReadyAPI version

For maximum compatibility, we recommend that you create your test cases using the same version of ReadyAPI as used at AlertSite monitoring locations. See Versions of ReadyAPI and SoapUI Used by AlertSite.

Use one test case per monitor

AlertSite supports only one test case per monitor.

If you want to monitor multiple test cases, you can do one of the following:

  • Create separate monitors for different test cases
  • Combine all test cases into a single test case

Project file size

The maximum allowed file size for SoapUI project files (.xml) is 12,000,000 bytes. However, please avoid uploading large projects that contain many test cases. Instead, create a copy of your project that contains just the test case you want to monitor, and upload this copy.

This is especially important if you use private locations (Private Node Server or InSite) – using minimal, stripped-down projects notably reduces the location resource usage.


Your API tests should include assertions to verify the API call results. Assertions are similar to validations in scripts. Without assertions, you can check only the API availability, you will not be able to check API call results.

AlertSite reports failed assertions as availability errors, for example:

  • Content assertions – status 5 (validation failed).

  • Invalid HTTP status codes assertions – status 7 (an HTTP error).

  • Response SLA assertions – status 6570 (a timeout error).

Tip: Most errors caused by failed SoapUI assertions have the 65xx status code.

Test step limit

There is a limit on the maximum number of test steps for SoapUI monitors. On most usage-based monitoring plans, the limit is 50 steps. Check with your AlertSite account manager for details.

If you use private locations (Private Node Server or InSite), the limit is 25 steps for monitors using the INSITE-25 or VMNODE-25 plan, and 50 steps on other INSITE-nn and VMNODE-nn plans. The plan in question is the one selected in the monitor settings. For example, a monitor that uses a usage-based plan and both global and private locations is subject to the usage plan limits.


AlertSite does not provide a way to set a timeout for your SoapUI API tests. You can set the timeout in the test case settings in SoapUI or ReadyAPI before uploading your project to AlertSite. For details, see Configuring a Timeout for Your SoapUI Monitor.

ReadyAPI: Test Case Options

Click the image to enlarge it.

SoapUI global preferences

If your project requires specific values of SoapUI global preferences (for example, Preferences > HTTP > Request compressions), you should explicitly set these preferences from your project:

  • via a setup script of your project, test suite, or test case
  • via the Groovy Script test step

For example, to set the Request Compression option, use the following setup script:


import com.eviware.soapui.SoapUI
import com.eviware.soapui.settings.HttpSettings

SoapUI.settings.setString(HttpSettings.REQUEST_COMPRESSION, "gzip")

To learn more about scripting in ReadyAPI and SoapUI, see the documentation for Scripting and Script Library.

SSL certificates and keystores

SoapUI tests can use certificates and Java keystore files for several purposes:

  • Accessing secure API endpoints using a client-side certificate. You can configure these certificates in SoapUI global preferences, in File > Preferences > SSL > Keystore.

  • Signing and encrypting SOAP messages. You can configure these certificates in WSS Config at the project level.

Currently, AlertSite supports only client-side certificates and does not support SOAP messaging certificates.

Client-side certificates

If your API requires a client-side security certificate, you can upload it to AlertSite, and it will be automatically distributed to the monitoring locations used by your API monitor. For more information, see Using SSL Certificates and Java Keystores.

If you use private monitoring locations (Private Node Server or InSite), please send your certificate or keystore to Support, along with the following information:

  • Your company name and customer ID from the  > Settings > Account screen in AlertSite UXM (or from the Account > Manage Account screen in AlertSite 1.0).
  • Monitor name.
  • Location names.

You will be informed when the certificate is in place. After that, you can run a test on demand to verify the monitor can connect to your API.

Unsupported features

Tests with external dependencies (such as Excel files or similar external data sources) are not supported.

See Also

Create API Monitor From SoapUI Test
SoapUI API Monitor Settings
SoapUI Monitors

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