LoadComplete can track performance parameters of tested web servers and display them during load test run on the Runtime > Graphs page of the project in form of graphs.
To add a server for monitoring
To add a new counter to a monitored server
To add a counter of the selected provider
To enable counters on runtime graphs
To add a server for monitoring
Before adding a counter, prepare the target server as described in Preparing Servers for Monitoring. This will allow LoadComplete to access the needed counters on the server.
To monitor an Oracle database, make sure that all the requirements are met.
On the Counters page, click
Add Counter on the toolbar.
– or –
On the Runtime > Graphs page, expand the Server performance group of the counter list and click the
New Counter link. (If the counter list is hidden, click
Show Counter List on the page toolbar.)
If you are already monitoring servers in your project, in the resulting Add Counter wizard, click
Add a new server.
Specify a server to monitor. You can type its name or IP address manually, or you can select the needed server from the Select Host dialog.
Follow the further instructions of the Add Counter wizard to select a performance data provider and performance counters.
To add a new counter to a monitored server
On the Counters page, right-click the server to which you want to add a counter, and then click
Add Counter.
In the resulting Add Counter wizard, select the performance data provider, and then the counter you want to monitor on the selected server.
To add a counter of the selected provider
On the Counters page, expand the node of the monitored server to which you want to add a counter.
Right-click the provider and then click
Add Counter.
In the resulting Add Counter dialog, select the needed performance counter of the selected provider.
To enable counters on runtime graphs
During the test run, the Runtime > Graphs page of the project shows various client-side and server-side performance metrics as graphs. To monitor server-side counters on the page:
Add counters to monitor your tested web server as described above.
Open the Runtime > Graphs page, if it is not open yet.
In the View drop-down list, select the view to which you want to add the server-side counter.
In the list of available counters on the right, in the Server performance group, find the needed server-side counter. If the list of available counters is hidden, click
Show Counter List on the page toolbar.
Enable the counter. It will be added to the current view.
If needed, change the counter color or the counter position on the page.
Save the changes made to the view, if needed.
When you run the test, LoadComplete will plot the added counter on the graph.
To change the server
If the name or IP address of the monitored web server changes, select the server on the Counters page, press F2 and enter the new server name or IP address, or click the ellipsis button and select the server in the resulting Select Host dialog.
To re-configure a data provider
If the parameters your performance data provider uses to retrieve data change, select the provider on the Counters page, click the ellipsis button, and re-configure the parameters in the resulting Add Counter wizard.
Note: | This is available only for the Oracle Statistics and Apache Server Statistics providers. |
To modify server counters
To change the type of data the counter monitors:
On the Counters page, select the needed counter.
Select the needed data type from the drop-down list in the Data type column.
LoadComplete refers to a counter on graphs and in test logs by its name. To change the counter name:
On the Counters page, select the needed counter.
In the Name column of the counter, press F2 and enter a new counter name.
To change the color used to plot the counter on the Runtime > Graphs page:
On the Runtime > Graphs page, select the view that shows your counters.
Expand the Server performance group of the counter and locate the needed counter.
Right-click the counter and select the color in the resulting Color dialog.
To delete server counters
To temporary disable plotting a counter on the Runtime > Graphs page during the test run, clear the counter check box in the counter list in the right part of the page. If the counter list is hidden, click Show Counter List on the page toolbar.
Note: | LoadComplete will still monitor the counters, and you will be able to view the collected data on the Infrastructure > Server Monitoring page of the Report panel. |
To cancel monitoring a counter, on the Counters page, select the counter and click Delete on the page toolbar.
See Also
Server Monitoring
Graphs Page
About Server Monitoring
Server Monitoring - Tutorial
Preparing Servers for Monitoring
Configuring Performance Counters