LoadComplete Options

Applies to LoadComplete 4.97, last modified on May 20, 2019

LoadComplete includes options that let you customize almost anything and enables you to adjust LoadComplete IDE, testing and recording processes as needed. These options are common for all LoadComplete projects. To view or modify these options, use the Options dialog. To call the dialog, select Tools | Options from LoadComplete main menu.

All options that are available in the dialog are organized into categories that are shown in the tree on the left of the dialog:


To view or edit options of a category, select this category in the tree. LoadComplete will show available options to the right of the tree.

To save changes made to the options, click OK. Cancel will close the dialog discarding any changes.

You can save LoadComplete options to a file via the Export Settings dialog and load them from a file via the Import Settings dialog. This can be useful during reinstallation of LoadComplete. For more information, see Exporting and Importing Custom User Settings.

See Also

Exporting and Importing Custom User Settings

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