There are many things you can change about the columns in the AQTime panels.
First, in the column header area, you can drag the column dividers to change widths, and you can drag the column headers themselves to re-order columns.
Then on the header, you can open the context menu. There you will find several items unrelated to column format, but also:
- Display Format: Let's you select one of the four displaying format for a column: Value, Percent, Graph Bar or Color. See Displaying Results in the Report, Details and Disassembler Panels.
- Alignment, Auto Width and Remove This Column: Obvious meanings.
- Adjust Column Width: Changes the column width so that the column becomes wide enough to display its contents and caption.
Field Chooser opens a list of fields (columns) from which you can add to the displayed columns by dragging out new fields, or remove displayed columns by dragging their headers into the list. See Adding and Removing Columns.
- Format Columns opens the Format Columns dialog, where you can set alignment, specify display format, change their appearance and so on.
Note that not all of the above-mentioned items are available for all panels. For instance, the Display Format menu item only presents in the Report, Details and Disassembler context menus that are called over column headers.
See Also
Arranging Columns, Lines and Panels
Report Panel
Details Panel
Disassembler Panel