Report Column Descriptions

Last modified on July 26, 2024

AlertSite reports include the following data columns.

Note: Not all reports have all of these columns.
Column Heading Description
# Alerts Number of times an alert was sent to a recipient over the selected period.
# Available Number of times the site was reported as available over the selected period.
# Bytes Number of bytes in the page object, for monitors with the fullpage monitoring.
# Check-in Errors Number of times the agent was unable to check the server over the selected period.
# Checks Number of times the monitor location checked the website over the selected period.
# Errors Number of errors detected by the monitor or the number of check-in and threshold errors reported over the selected period.
# Threshold Errors Number of times ServerAgent detected the threshold of the exceeded server metric over the selected period.
# Warnings Number of times the monitored site returned an error that was not verified by the second test.
% Available Percentage of availability over the selected time when the monitored site was available.
Above the Fold

“Above the fold” is the top portion of a web page that is visible in the browser window without having to scroll down. This metric measures the time it takes for the page content above the fold to stop changing and reach the final state. If the monitor has the Fullpage interval set, this time includes the load time of referenced resources like images, CSS, and others.

Above the fold
Note: Only DéjàClick monitors with UX monitoring enabled collect this metric.
Access Method HTTP method used to access the web page (GET, POST, HEAD, and so on).
Action Description Description of actions in a DéjàClick transaction.
Alert Type Type of alert sent: error, clear, traceroute to the recipient.
Attempt Possible values:

1 – There were no errors detected when accessing the web page.

2 – The monitor repeated the check to see if an error persisted.

Average Response Time Average response time for loading the URL over the selected period.
Connect Time Average time taken over the selected period to connect to the web server after the DNS lookup.
Content Download Average time over the selected period to download the contents of the base web page (layout). For transactions, the time is measured from the load of the first byte of the first page until the last byte of the last page in the transaction.
Cumulative Response Time Accumulated time as each step progresses in a DéjàClick transaction.
Date/Time Stamp Date and time when an alert was sent.
Device, or
Device Description
Monitor name.
DNS Number of Status 51 errors (“Unable to resolve IP address”) during the selected period.
DNS Time Average time taken over the selected period to perform a DNS lookup of the IP address.
DOM Load

The time from when a request is sent until the browser has downloaded the page’s HTML and finished constructing the Document Object Model (DOM). The timer stops when the DOMContentLoaded event is fired.

Note: The referenced images, CSS, scripts, and other resources may not have completed loading at this point.
Event Description Events in the DéjàClick action.
First Byte Average time to retrieve the first byte from the website after connection and any redirects over the selected period.
First Paint

The time until the browser starts rendering the page. At this moment, a user starts seeing the page content on the screen. The first paint time depends on the HTML markup, CSS, and JavaScript, but not the images.

Note: Only DéjàClick monitors with UX monitoring enabled collect this metric.
Fullpage Response Time Average time taken to retrieve the entire page and all referenced resources like images, CSS files, and JavaScript files.
Host Name The name of the DéjàClick transaction or server in the URL field of the monitor.
Hour of Day Time stamp for the measurement.
HTTP Status The HTTP status code from the web server in response to the HTTP request.
Individual Page Time Applicable to DéjàClick monitors, this is the range distribution of the full page response time of individual pages. Individual pages are not monitor steps, they are what appears in the Detail report as subitems of events that generate network activity, such as the navigate and link click events. Only pages with status 0 are counted. For details on how this is calculated, see Fullpage Time Distribution.
IP Address IP address of the accessed object for monitors with the fullpage monitoring.
Largest Fullpage Status The highest AlertSite Status Code detected at the time period.
Last Checked Time stamp of the latest test.
Last Error Last time an error was detected.
Last FP Date/Time Last time the monitor measured the full page response time.
Last Warning Last time a warning (unverified error) was detected.
Location Locations used by this monitor.
Location (Outage Report)

Locations where an outage was discovered.

Location Description Monitoring location that discovered the error and sent the alert to a recipient.
Max. Response Time Longest response time for loading the URL over the selected period.
Message HTTP status code.
Min. Response Time Shortest response time for loading the URL during the selected period.
No. of Alerts Number of alerts sent during the selected period.
Notification Recipient The recipient that received the alert.
Notification Method The alert delivery method – email, phone, text message, and so on.
Notifications Number of alerts sent during the selected period.
Other Number of errors other than AlertSite status 1, 2, 9, or 51 that occurred over the selected period.
Outage Duration Total amount of time that the website check failed.
Outage End The date and time of the first OK status after the outage.
Page Load

The time until the page and all referenced resources (images, CSS, scripts, and others) have been fully loaded into the DOM. The page is considered fully loaded when the onload event handler is invoked.

Ping Number of AlertSite Status 9 errors (“Ping failed”) during the selected period.
Port Port accessed.
Redirect Time Average time it took to resolve redirects to the desired URL.
Relative Start Time Time when a page resource (like image or CSS file) started loading, relative to the start of the page load.
Relative URL URL of each page in the transaction, relative to the previous step.
Response Time Latest response time measured.
Site Status AlertSite status code: green means no error, red means an error.
Status AlertSite status code and short description of the status.
Step Description The page URL (in DéjàClick monitors) or the test step name (in API monitors).
TCP Connect Number of status 1 errors (“TCP connection failed”) during the selected period.
Throughput Kbytes/Sec Average site or transaction download speed over the selected period.
Time Filter The days of the week and the time of the day included in or excluded from the report.
Time Stamp Date and time of the test.
Timeouts Number of status 2 errors (“Test timed out”) during the selected period.
Total Total number of all errors over the selected period.
Total Errors Total number of errors during the outage period.
Total Response Time Average time to retrieve the entire page from DNS lookup time to the full download of the site or transaction, excluding referenced resources (images, CSS files, and so on).
Total Transaction Time The range distribution of the full page response time of successful monitor runs. For details on how this is calculated, see Fullpage Time Distribution.
Type The monitor type. One of the following values:
  • Web Site
  • Transaction – DéjàClick or API
URL URL of the loaded page or page resource (image, CSS file, script, and so on).

See Also

Report Types
Creating Reports
Scheduling Reports

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