This page refers to SmartBearĀ ID-based licenses that we introduced from TestComplete 15.48 onwards.
For information on legacy key-based licenses, which are no longer being actively supported, see Key-Based Licenses.
This section contains information on error messages related to licensing.
In This Section
Message - 'You have not specified your SmartBear ID ...'
Message - 'Our records say no license is assigned to your SmartBear ID'
Message - 'Your license has expired ...'
Message - 'All available license seats are currently in use'
Message - 'The license administrator has interrupted your license session...'
Message - 'The license administrator has revoked your license'
Message - 'The license subsystem has detected a significant time change on your machine...'
Message - 'This version of the product is not available because your maintenance period is over'