Where to Go Next

Applies to QAComplete�14.4, last modified on August 06, 2024

This concludes the Getting Started tutorial. We hope it has helped you get acquainted with QAComplete. Now, you can learn more about its advanced features:

Automated Tests

This section describes how to assign automations to tests and how to schedule test runs.

Search and Filters

This section describes how to search for items in your project and how to filter lists of items on the appropriate pages.

Comments (Notes)

This section describes how to add notes (comments) to items in your projects.

Attachments (Files)

This section describes how to attach files to items in your projects.

Navigation, Folders and Grouping

This section describes how to organize items in your projects by folders and how to group items by various criteria.


See Also

5. Create Tests and a Test Set
3. Create a Release
Getting Started with QAComplete - User Tutorial

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