Report Panel Context Menu

Applies to AQTime 8.81, last modified on January 18, 2022

The Report panel's context menu provides commands for working with profiling results. The menu can contain different sets of items depending on where you made a click to call the menu.

Panel Content's Context Menu

Right-clicking anywhere on the Report panel results calls a context menu that has the following items:

Filter Calls the Filter dialog used to specify a set of conditions for filtering results.
Add Selected to Setup Allows you to add the selected routine, class or module to an area, action or trigger. For more information, see Adding Selected Routines and Classes to Profiling Areas, Triggers and Actions.
Show Group Panel Displays the grouping panel.
Show Header Shows the header that displays the total number of records and the number of filtered records in the Report panel.
Auto Width Allows all columns to be squeezed into view.
Format Columns Calls the Format Columns dialog that allows you to set display parameters for individual Report panel columns.
Field Chooser Opens a list of the available columns that allows you to add the desired columns to or remove them from the panel. For more information, see Adding and Removing Columns.
Expand All Expands all the items in the Report panel.
Collapse All Collapses all the items in the Report panel.
Copy Copies the selected row(s) to the clipboard. Alternatively, use the CTRL+C shortcut.
Save Selection Saves the selected row(s) to an HTML, XML, XLS or TXT file.
Save All Saves all the rows to an HTML, XML, XLS or TXT file.
Print Prints the panel contents.
Print Preview Opens the standard Print Preview dialog where you can set up printing settings and preview the document before printing it.
Customize Navigation Calls the Customize Navigation dialog that allows you to configure the items displayed in the lists that are shown when you click Display Previous or Display Next on the ReportReportReport toolbar.
Options Calls the Report Options dialog that allows you to customize the Report panel's settings.

Column Header Context Menu

Right-clicking the header of any column within the Report panel calls a context menu that has the following items:

Sort Ascending If this item is selected, AQTime sorts the Report panel's items in ascending order.
Sort Descending If this item is selected, AQTime sorts the Report panel's items in descending order.
Display Format Changes the display format for the given column.
Alignment Changes the alignment for the given column.
Auto Width Allows all columns to be squeezed into view.
Adjust Column Width    Changes the width of the given column so that the column becomes wide enough to display its contents and caption.
Group by This Column Groups the results by the given column.
Field Chooser Opens a list of the available columns that allows you to add the desired columns to or remove them from the panel. For more information, see Adding and Removing Columns.
Remove This Column Removes the column from the panel.
Format Columns Calls the Format Columns dialog that allows you to set display parameters for the given column.

See Also

Report Panel
Adding Selected Routines and Classes to Profiling Areas, Triggers and Actions
Adding and Removing Columns
Working With the Report Panel

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