Event View Panel Events List

Applies to AQTime 8.81, last modified on January 18, 2022

This topic describes the events that are logged in the Event View panel.

In this topic:

Standard Events

 Attach to Process Logs attaching of the current profiler to a process.
 Change Profiler Logs a change of profilers.
 Comment This is an equivalent of a String Received event, but for a comment added by the user via the Add Comment dialog. See Adding Custom Messages to the Event View Panel.
 Create Process Logs the creation of the profiled application's process and shows its process ID, handle and base address, as well as the ID and handle of its primary thread.
 Create Thread Logs the creation of a secondary thread in the profiled application and shows its thread ID and handle.
 Debug String Logs calls to the Windows OutputDebugString function, with the string passed as a parameter to the function. For more information on using this function, see Adding Custom Messages to the Event View Panel.

AQTime tracks the call stack for the OutputDebugString function and displays call stack entries as child nodes of the Debug String node (see the description of the Stack Entry event).

 Debug Symbols Read Logs the end of the debug-info reading process at the start of a profile run.
 Detach From Process Logs detachment of the current profiler from a process.
 Exception Logs system exceptions raised in the profiled application, with the exception code, name and address, and the call stack displayed as child nodes (see Exceptions in the Event View Panel).

The panel’s Max consecutive exceptions option defines the point beyond which it will stop logging exceptions until the next non-exception event. AQTime tracks the exception’s call stack and shows it as child nodes of the exception node (see the description of the Stack Entry event).

Note that this event is used to log information about system exceptions. .NET exceptions are logged with the special .NET Exception event (see below).

 Exit Process Logs closing of the profiled application's process, with process ID and exit code.
 Exit Thread Logs closing of a secondary thread in the profiled application and shows its thread ID, handle and exit code.
 Failed to Start the Project Logs the failed attempt to start profiling.
 Failure Emulated Indicates that a failure was emulated while profiling the application with the Failure Emulator profiler.
Module Activated Indicates that the project's "main" module was changed in the Setup panel.
 Module Added Logs adding of a module (exe, dll, etc.) to the current AQTime project.
 Module Loaded Logs loading of a module (dll, external executable, etc.) by the main application and shows its base address in memory once loaded and its size in bytes.
 Module Removed Logs removing of a module from the current AQTime project.
 Module Unloaded Logs the release of a module by the main application and shows its base address before unloading.
 Process Resumed Logs the moment the profile run is resumed after being suspended from the AQTime interface.
 Process Suspended Logs the moment a profile run is suspended from the AQTime interface.
Profiling Disabled Logs the moment the profiling status is disabled upon selecting the Enable/Disable Profiling item from the Standard toolbarselecting the Enable/Disable Profiling item from the AQTime menu of Visual Studioselecting the Enable/Disable Profiling item from the AQTime menu of RAD Studio.
Profiling Enabled Logs the moment the profiling status is enabled upon selecting the Enable/Disable Profiling item from the Standard toolbarselecting the Enable/Disable Profiling item from the AQTime menu of Visual Studioselecting the Enable/Disable Profiling item from the AQTime menu of RAD Studio.
 Project Closed Logs closing of a project in AQTime.
 Project Loaded Logs opening of a project in AQTime.
 Project Run Logs the start of a profile run. This message also reports the command-line arguments, host application and working folder used for the run.
 Results Generated Logs the end of result generation after a profile run and displays a summary of results.
 Results Cleared Logs clearing of the profiling results.
 Stack Entry These items show information about routines in the exception, debug string or user breakpoint call stack. For each routine, the address, module name, routine name, etc. are given. If there is enough information to retrieve them, the best substitute is displayed, for instance, the routine address in memory when the name is unavailable (for information on how to solve this problem, see Event View Panel - Possible Problems With the Call Stack).

Double-clicking on any routine in the stack will update the Editor panel to its source code.

 Stack for Suspended Thread Logs the stack of function calls at the moment the profile run is suspended from AQTime's interface.
 String Received Logs and shows a string message generated by AQTime or one of its profilers or plug-ins for the event list.
 The dump file was saved to … Indicates that AQTime generated a dump for the profiled application and saved this dump to the specified file.
 User Breakpoint Logs execution of the int3 assembler instruction. This instruction is used for debugging purposes very often. For instance, it is used to implement assertions and check memory overwrites. AQTime traces the call stack for int3 and displays call stack entries as child nodes of the User Breakpoint node.
 Work Environment Logs environment information on the current computer.
 Warning Shows a warning message generated by AQTime during the profiling.

Java Events

 Class File Processing Completed Logs information about successful loading of a java .class file to the Java Virtual Machine.
 Class File Processing Skipped Logs information about skipping the java .class file while loading to the Java Virtual Machine.
 Error Shows an error message generated by AQTime while profiling Java code.
 Exception Logs a Java exception raised in the profiled application. AQTime tracks the exception’s call stack and shows it as a child node of the exception node (see Exceptions in the Event View Panel).
Note: Use the List of filters for AQTime exceptions option to specify Java exceptions that AQTime should ignore during the profiling session and not log to the Event View panel.
 Information Logs information about the Java Virtual Machine that is used to run the profiled Java application.
 Stack Entry These items show information about routines in the exception call stack.
 Warning Shows a warning message generated by AQTime while profiling Java code.

.NET Events

 Application Domain Created Logs the creation of an application domain with the application domain ID. This ID is valid for any information request after the application domain has been fully created.
 Application Domain Exited Logs the destruction of an application domain and shows the application domain's ID that it had before the destruction.
 Assembly Loaded Logs loading of an assembly and shows the assembly ID.
 Assembly Unloaded Logs the release of an assembly and shows the assembly's ID that it had before the unloading.
 Module Loaded Logs loading of a module and shows the module ID.
 Module Unloaded Logs the release of a module and shows the module's ID that it had before the unloading.
 .NET Exception Logs a .NET exception that occurred in the profiled managed code with the exception’s class name. AQTime tracks the exception’s call stack and shows it as child nodes of the exception node (see the description of the Stack Entry event).

Note that for each .NET exception the CLR generates a system exception that is also traced by AQTime and logged to the Event View panel.

Script Events

Script Exception Events     Logs exceptions that occurred when profiling script code. AQTime tracks the exception’s call stack and shows it as child nodes of the exception node.

Important Notes

  • When you profile an ASP.NET application, all Standard Events displayed in the Event View panel come from the ASP.NET process while .NET Specific Events come from the profiled ASP.NET application.

  • Your application can post messages to the Event View panel. To do this, simply call the Windows API OutputDebugString(Str) function which is defined in Kernel32.dll. AQTime traces calls to this function and posts the string passed to the function as a parameter to Event View. The string is logged as the Debug String event.

  • Currently, the Event View panel may display incomplete information on exceptions that occur in 64-bit applications compiled with C++Builder XE3–XE8 and 10 – 10.3.


  • When you profile an ASP.NET application, all Standard Events displayed in the Event View panel come from the ASP.NET process while .NET Specific Events come from the profiled ASP.NET application.

  • Your application can post messages to the Event View panel. To do this, simply call the Windows API OutputDebugString(Str) function which is defined in Kernel32.dll. AQTime traces calls to this function and posts the string passed to the function as a parameter to Event View. The string is logged as the Debug String event.

See Also

Event View Panel
Event View Panel Settings
Adding Custom Messages to the Event View Panel
Exceptions in the Event View Panel

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