When the Routines category is active in the Explorer panel, the Details panel shows profiling results for individual routines. The Details panel includes three panes: Calls - Parents, Calls - Children and Lines:
The Calls - Children pane contains routines that the selected routine called. The pane has the following columns:
Columns that do not depend on the active counter

Columns (in alphabetical order) | Description |
Address | Routine’s address in memory. This column is used for unmanaged (native-code) routines only. |
Analysis Result | Specifies if the routine was instrumented or not. If the routine was instrumented, this column displays OK. Otherwise, the column specifies why the routine was not profiled. These are the same values that are displayed in the Analysis Result column of the Report panel. For more information, see Performance Profiler - Report Panel Columns. |
Class Name | Name of the class where the child routine is defined. |
Code Type | Specifies the type of the routine’s code. The following values are possible:
Exceptions | Number of times the child routine was entered but not successfully exited when it was called from the Report panel routine. |
Hit Count | Number of times the child routine was called from the Report panel routine. |
Module Name | The name of the module which contains the child routine. |
Namespace | Namespace of the method’s class (this column is used for managed routines only). |
Routine Name | Name of the child routine. |
Source File | Name of the source file for the child routine. The values for this column are read from the application’s debug info. If debug info does not contain information on the file name, the column is empty. |
Source Line | Source files line number where the child routine’s implementation begins. The values for this column are read from the application’s debug info.
Token | The routine’s token. |
Unit Name | Name of the linkage unit containing the routine. This column is used for unmanaged (native-code) routines only. |
Columns specific to the Elapsed Time, User Time and User+Kernel Time counters

For each of the following columns you can specify the measurement unit for the displayed values (seconds, milliseconds, microseconds or machine cycles) using the Counter unit box on the Profiler toolbar. See also Profiler Toolbar - Performance Profiler Items.
Columns (in alphabetical order) | Description |
Average Time | Average time spent executing the child routine’s code on one call when the child routine was called from the Report panel routine. |
Average Time With Children | Average time spent executing the child routine per on one call when the child routine was called from the Report panel routine. |
Max Time and Min Time |
Maximum and minimum time (excluding child function calls) spent executing the child routine when it was called from the Report panel routine. Exceptional values point out perhaps unexpected special conditions. |
Max Time with Children and Min Time with Children |
Maximum and minimum time (including child function calls) spent executing the child routine when it was called from the Report panel routine. Exceptional values point out perhaps unexpected special conditions. |
Shared Time | Total time spent executing the code of the child routine, as a percentage of the total time spent on calls to the child routine including calls to child routines. In other words, Shared Time is the ratio of the routine’s Time to Time with Children values displayed in the Children grid: (Time / Time with Children)*100. |
Time | Total time spent executing the child routine’s code when it was called from the Report panel routine. This time does not include the execution time of the child functions of this child routine. Sort results by this column to find the slowest child routine among other children of the Report panel routine. |
Time with Children | Total time spent executing the child function that was called from the Report panel routine. This value includes the time spent for executing child functions of this child routine. |
% Time | This is the Time value as a percentage of the sum of the Time values displayed in the Children grid. |
% with Children | This is the Time with Children value as a percentage of the sum of the Time with Children values displayed in the Children grid. |
Note: | The % Time and % with Children values depend on the Include routine body in Details setting that is shown in the toolbar of the Report panel. When this setting is enabled, AQTime displays information on the routine body execution in the Children table. The table contains one more row, and this changes the percent values. |
Columns specific to the CPU Cache Misses counter

Columns (in alphabetical order) | Description |
Average Misses | Average number of CPU cache misses that occurred during execution of the child routine’s code per call. To calculate this value, AQTime only uses those calls to the child routine that were made from within the Report panel routine. |
Average Misses With Children | Average number of CPU cache misses that occurred during execution of the child routine per call (including cache misses in its child routines). To calculate this value, AQTime only uses those calls to the child routine that were made from within the Report panel routine. |
Max Misses and Min Misses |
Maximum and minimum number of cache misses that occurred during execution of the child routine (excluding its child functions) when it was called from the Report panel routine. Exceptional values point out perhaps unexpected special conditions. |
Max Misses with Children and Min Misses with Children |
Maximum and minimum number of cache misses that occurred during execution of the child routine (including its child functions) when it was called from the Report panel routine. Exceptional values point out perhaps unexpected special conditions. |
Misses | Total number of cache misses that occur during execution of the child routine (excluding its child functions) when it was called from the Report panel routine. |
Misses with Children | Total number of cache misses that occur during execution of the child routine (including its child routines) when it was called from the Report panel routine. |
Shared Misses | Total number of cache misses that occurred during execution of the code of the child routine, as a percentage of the total number of cache misses that occurred during calls to the child routine including calls to its child routines. To calculate this value AQTime only uses those calls to the child routine that were made from the Report panel routine. In other words, Shared Misses is the ratio of the child routine’s Misses to Misses with Children. |
% Misses | This is the Misses value as a percentage of the sum of the Misses values displayed in the Children grid. |
% with Children | This is the Misses with Children value as a percentage of the sum of the Misses with Children values displayed in the Children grid. |
Columns specific to the CPU Mispredicted Branches counter

Columns (in alphabetical order) | Description |
Average Branches | Average number of branches that were mispredicted during execution of the child routine’s code per call. To calculate this value, AQTime only uses those calls to the child routine that were made from within the Report panel routine. |
Average Branches with Children | Average number of branches that were mispredicted during execution of the child routine per call (including mispredictions in its child routines). To calculate this value, AQTime only uses those calls to the child routine that were made from within the Report panel routine. |
Branches | Total number of mispredictions that occurred during execution of the child routine (excluding its child functions) when it was called from the Report panel routine. |
Branches with Children | Total number of mispredictions that occurred during execution of the child routine (including its child routines) when it was called from the Report panel routine. |
Max Branches and Min Branches |
Maximum and minimum number of mispredictions that occurred during execution of the child routine (excluding its child functions) when it was called from the Report panel routine. Exceptional values point out perhaps unexpected special conditions. |
Max Branches with Children and Min Branches with Children |
Maximum and minimum number of mispredictions that occurred during execution of the child routine (including its child functions) when it was called from the Report panel routine. Exceptional values point out perhaps unexpected special conditions. |
Shared Branches | Total number of mispredictions that occurred during execution of the code of the child routine, as a percentage of the total number of mispredictions that occurred during execution of the child routine including calls to its child routines. To calculate this value AQTime only uses those calls to the child routine that were made from the Report panel routine. In other words, Shared Branches is the ratio of the child routine’s Branches to Branches with Children. |
% Branches | This is the Branches value as a percentage of the sum of the Branches values displayed in the Children grid. |
% with Children | This is the Branches with Children value as a percentage of the sum of the Branches with Children values displayed in the Children grid. |

Columns (in alphabetical order) | Description |
Average Faults | Average number of page faults that occurred during execution of the child routine’s code per call. To calculate this value, AQTime only uses those calls to the child routine that were made from within the Report panel routine. |
Average Faults with Children | Average number of page faults that occurred during execution of the child routine per call (including faults that occurred in its child routines). To calculate this value, AQTime only uses those calls to the child routine that were made from within the Report panel routine. |
Faults | Total number of page faults that occurred during execution of the child routine (excluding its child functions) when it was called from the Report panel routine. |
Faults with Children | Total number of page faults that occurred during execution of the child routine (including its child routines) when it was called from the Report panel routine. |
Max Faults and Min Faults |
Maximum and minimum number of page faults that occurred during execution of the child routine (excluding its child functions) when it was called from the Report panel routine. Exceptional values point out perhaps unexpected special conditions. |
Max Faults with Children and Min Faults with Children |
Maximum and minimum number of page faults that occurred during execution of the child routine (including its child functions) when it was called from the Report panel routine. Exceptional values point out perhaps unexpected special conditions. |
Shared Faults | Total number of memory page faults that occurred during execution of the code of the child routine, as a percentage of the total number of page faults that occurred during execution of the child routine including calls to its child routines. To calculate this value AQTime only uses those calls to the child routine that were made from the Report panel routine. In other words, Shared Faults is the ratio of the child routine’s Faults to Faults with Children. |
% Faults | This is the Faults value as a percentage of the sum of the Faults values displayed in the Children grid. |
% with Children | This is the Faults with Children value as a percentage of the sum of the Faults with Children values displayed in the Children grid. |

Columns (in alphabetical order) | Description |
Average Replays | Average number of replays that occurred during execution of the child routine’s code per call. To calculate this value, AQTime only uses those calls to the child routine that were made from within the Report panel routine. |
Average Replays with Children | Average number of replays that occurred during execution of the child routine per call (including replays that occurred in its child routines). To calculate this value, AQTime only uses those calls to the child routine that were made from within the Report panel routine. |
Max Replays and Min Replays |
Maximum and minimum number of replays that occurred during execution of the child routine (excluding its child functions) when it was called from the Report panel routine. Exceptional values point out perhaps unexpected special conditions. |
Max Replays with Children and Min Replays with Children |
Maximum and minimum number of replays that occurred during execution of the child routine (including its child functions) when it was called from the Report panel routine. Exceptional values point out perhaps unexpected special conditions. |
Replays | Total number of replays that occurred during execution of the child routine (excluding its child functions) when it was called from the Report panel routine. |
Replays with Children | Total number of replays that occurred during execution of the child routine (including its child routines) when it was called from the Report panel routine. |
Shared Replays | Total number of replays that occurred during execution of the code of the child routine, as a percentage of the total number of replays that occurred during execution of the child routine including calls to its child routines. To calculate this value AQTime only uses those calls to the child routine that were made from the Report panel routine. In other words, Shared Replays is the ratio of the child routine’s Replays to Replays with Children. |
% Replays | This is the Replays value as a percentage of the sum of the Replays values displayed in the Children grid. |
% with Children | This is the Replays with Children value as a percentage of the sum of the Replays with Children values displayed in the Children grid. |
Columns specific to the 64K Aliasing Conflicts counter

Columns (in alphabetical order) | Description |
Average Conflicts | Average number of aliasing conflicts that occurred during execution of the child routine’s code per call. To calculate this value, AQTime only uses those calls to the child routine that were made from within the Report panel routine. |
Average Conflicts with Children | Average number of aliasing conflicts that occurred during execution of the child routine per call (including conflicts that occurred in its child routines). To calculate this value, AQTime only uses those calls to the child routine that were made from within the Report panel routine. |
Conflicts | Total number of aliasing conflicts that occurred during execution of the child routine (excluding its child functions) when it was called from the Report panel routine. |
Conflicts with Children | Total number of aliasing conflicts that occurred during execution of the child routine (including its child routines) when it was called from the Report panel routine. |
Max Conflicts and Min Conflicts |
Maximum and minimum number of aliasing conflicts that occurred during execution of the child routine (excluding its child functions) when it was called from the Report panel routine. Exceptional values point out perhaps unexpected special conditions. |
Max Conflicts with Children and Min Conflicts with Children |
Maximum and minimum number of aliasing conflicts that occurred during execution of the child routine (including its child functions) when it was called from the Report panel routine. Exceptional values point out perhaps unexpected special conditions. |
Shared Conflicts | Total number of aliasing conflicts that occurred during execution of the code of the child routine, as a percentage of the total number of conflicts that occurred during execution of the child routine including calls to its child routines. To calculate this value AQTime only uses those calls to the child routine that were made from the Report panel routine. In other words, Shared Conflicts is the ratio of the child routine’s Conflicts to Conflicts with Children. |
% Conflicts | This is the Conflicts value as a percentage of the sum of the Conflicts values displayed in the Children grid. |
% with Children | This is the Conflicts with Children value as a percentage of the sum of the Conflicts with Children values displayed in the Children grid. |
Columns specific to the Context Switches counter

Columns (in alphabetical order) | Description |
Average Switches | Average number of context switches that occurred during execution of the child routine’s code per call. To calculate this value, AQTime only uses those calls to the child routine that were made from within the Report panel routine. |
Average Switches with Children | Average number of context switches that occurred during execution of the child routine per call (including switches that occurred in its child routines). To calculate this value, AQTime only uses those calls to the child routine that were made from within the Report panel routine. |
Max Switches and Min Switches |
Maximum and minimum number of context switches that occurred during execution of the child routine (excluding its child functions) when it was called from the Report panel routine. Exceptional values point out perhaps unexpected special conditions. |
Max Switches with Children and Min Switches with Children |
Maximum and minimum number of context switches that occurred during execution of the child routine (including its child functions) when it was called from the Report panel routine. Exceptional values point out perhaps unexpected special conditions. |
Shared Switches | Total number of context switches that occurred during execution of the code of the child routine, as a percentage of the total number of switches that occurred during execution of the child routine including calls to its child routines. To calculate this value AQTime only uses those calls to the child routine that were made from the Report panel routine. In other words, Shared Switches is the ratio of the child routine’s Switches to Switches with Children. |
Switches | Total number of context switches that occurred during execution of the child routine (excluding its child functions) when it was called from the Report panel routine. |
Switches with Children | Total number of context switches that occurred during execution of the child routine (including its child routines) when it was called from the Report panel routine. |
% Switches | This is the Switches value as a percentage of the sum of the Switches values displayed in the Children grid. |
% with Children | This is the Switches with Children value as a percentage of the sum of the Switches with Children values displayed in the Children grid. |
Though the columns in the Parents and Children panes have the same names that the Report columns have, the meaning of these values differ from the meaning of the Report panel values.
The Parents and Children tables may contain the <Root>, <JIT compiler> and <Garbage collector> routines. For more information on them, see Pseudo-Routines in Profiling Results.
You can arrange the Lines, Parents and Children tables in the Details panel as you wish. To do this, select Allow docking in Details from the context menu and then dock or undock the pages as you would dock or undock other AQTime panels. See Docking.
The Details panel displays a chart next to each of the tables. The chart graphically displays information from the table on the left. For instance, it illustrates what child routine or line took more time to execute. To change the value displayed in the chart, right-click it and select the desired result from the context menu. To customize the chart properties, select Customize Charts from the context menu.
when conditions for the correct execution of this operation are not satisfied.
Replays may be caused by cache misses, store forwarding issues, etc.
Normally, certain number of replays always occur during the application
execution. However, a superfluous number of replays designates a
performance problem.
See Also
Performance Profiler - Details Panel
About the Details Panel
Results of the Routines Category