Light Coverage Profiler - Details Panel (Routines Data Category)

Applies to AQTime 8.81, last modified on January 18, 2022

If the Routines Data category is selected in the Explorer panel, the Details panel displays additional results for individual lines of a routine selected in the Report panel. The panel contains the Lines pane that shows line profiling results for the routine selected in the Report panel.

Each row in the table contains profiling results for a source code line:

Columns (in alphabetical order) Description
Mark Specifies whether the source line was executed or not. If the line was executed, a green dot is displayed in the Mark column. If the line was not executed, a red dot is displayed in the Mark column. Partially executed lines are counted as executed.

If the routine was profiled at the routine level, AQTime considers all lines of this routine to be executed (if the routine was called) or unexecuted (if the routine was not called).

Source Line The line number in the source file.
Note: If a routine was profiled at the routine level, the Lines pane is empty.

See Also

Light Coverage Profiler
Arranging Columns, Lines and Panels

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