'Access Denied' Failure Emulation (Registry Category)

Applies to AQTime 8.81, last modified on January 18, 2022

About 'Access Denied' Failure Emulation

Use this emulation type to check whether your application handles errors that occur when it has no permissions to access the specified key. AQTime will catch all the attempts of your application to access the specified key and make the profiled application “think” that the application does not have permissions to access the specified key.

Specifying Emulation Parameters

You can specify emulation parameters in the Profiler Options dialog which AQTime invokes upon running the Failure Emulator profiler or in the Failure Profiler Options dialog.

To create a new 'Access Denied' failure emulation and specify its parameters:

  • In the dialog, click Add.

  • On the first page of the subsequent Add New Failure Emulation wizard, select the Registry category from the list on the left, then select Access Denied from the list on the right and click Next.

  • On the second page of the wizard, specify all parameters for the selected failure emulation and click Finish.

To modify parameters of an existing 'Access Denied' failure emulation:

  • Click the ellipsis button in the Parameters cell.

  • In the subsequent Edit 'Access Denied' Failure Parameters dialog, modify the desired parameters and click OK.

AQTime saves your settings between profiler runs, so you will not have to define parameters next time you run the profiler.


Registry key(s)

Specifies the name of the registry key. If you want to emulate a situation when your application has no permission to access several registry keys, use wildcards or regular expressions to specify a mask for the target keys.


Specifies whether you want to use wildcards or regular expressions to set other parameters of the failure emulation. Choose the desired type of special symbols to use from the drop-down list:

  • Regular expressions are coded strings that define an infinite number of possible matches. For more information on regular expressions and how to use them in parameter values, see Regular Expressions.

  • Wildcards are special symbols that can be used to match characters in string values. AQTime supports two standard wildcards: the asterisk (*) and the question mark (?). For more information on wildcards and how to use them in parameter values, see Using Wildcards.

To quickly insert a regular expression or a wildcard into a parameter value, click and select the desired item from the consequent menu. Note that the menu also provides a brief description of available regular expressions and wildcards.

For information on using the Failure Emulator profiler, see Failure Emulator Profiler - Overview.

See Also

Registry Failure Emulation
Failure Emulation Reference
Failure Emulator Profiler - Overview

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