IaqCOMAccessAreaManager Object

Applies to AQTime 8.81, last modified on January 18, 2022


The IaqCOMAccessAreaManager object contains methods and properties that let you work with profiling areas via COM: you can create and delete areas and iterate through them. See Managing Profiling Areas via COM.

Inheritance Hierarchy

The object implements the following interfaces:




Below are methods and properties of the IaqCOMAccessAreaManager interface:

Members(in alphabetical order) Description
AddArea(AreaName, AreaType, AreaLevel) Method. Appends a new profiling area to the current AQTime project and returns the IaqCOMAccessArea object that corresponds to the new area.

The method parameters specify area attributes:

  • AreaName - Specifies the name of the new area. The name must be unique within the project.
    If you pass an empty string in this parameter, AQTime will choose the area name automatically. The name will look like New Area 1, New Area 2, and so on.

  • AreaType - Specifies the type of the new profiling area: including or excluding.
    To specify the area type, you can use the atInclude or atExclude value from the TAreaType enumeration type or appropriate integer values.

  • AreaLevel - Specifies the level of the new profiling area: class, routine or line.
    To specify the area level, you can use the aplClasses, aplRoutines or aplLines value of the TAreaProfileLevel enumeration type or appropriate integer values.

Any time later, you can change the area name, type and level with properties of the IaqCOMAccessArea object. This, however, does not work for class-level areas: it is not allowed to change the area type from the routine level or line level to the class level and vice versa.

Area(Index) Property. Read-only. Returns the IaqCOMAccessArea object that provides access to a profiling area. The Index parameter specifies the desired area in the project’s collection of areas. The index is zero-based. The total number of areas is specified by the AreaCount property.
AreaByName(AreaName) Property. Read-only. Returns the IaqCOMAccessArea object that provides access to a profiling area. The AreaName parameter specifies the name of the desired area as it is displayed in AQTime’s Setup panel.
AreaCount Property. Read-only. Integer. Retuns the total number of profiling areas in the currently opened AQTime project.
These are read/write Boolean properties. They specify whether the appropriate non-class predefined profiling area is selected for profiling (the predefined areas are All Project Modules, Entire .NET Code and others). The profiling level for each of these areas is specified by the appropriate xxxxLevel property (see below).
Read/write properties. Each of them specifies the level of the appropriate non-class predefined profiling area. To specify the level, you can use either values of the TEntireProfileLevel enumeration type or appropriate integer values.

AQTime stores settings of the predefined areas for each profiler. So, if you need to change the level of predefined areas, do this after you select a profiler in your code. See the example in the Managing Profiling Areas via COM topic.

PredefinedClassesAreaValue(PredefinedKind) This is a read/write boolean property. It specifies whether the appropriate predefined class-level area in the Classes to Profile pane selected for profiling. You can specify the preset area by the TPredefinedAreaKind enumerator type or appropriate integer value.
RemoveArea(AreaName) Method. Deletes the profiling area specified by its name from the current AQTime project. The AreaName parameter should specify the name of the desired area as it is displayed in the Setup panel.


For an example of using the IaqCOMAccessAreaManager object, see Managing Profiling Areas via COM.

See Also

COM Type Reference
Managing Profiling Areas via COM
Working With AQTime via COM - Overview

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